[DSE化學2018]同學準備好DSE CHEM未?


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化學艾維斯 2017-12-24 23:53:25
基本野有inter-chain attraction同埋hydrolysis of polymer chain under acidic/basic medium
其實又唔係特別難既 因為學左既野都好有限
化學艾維斯 2017-12-25 02:09:46
今晚係elective course
教到arrhenius equation
你不願意種花 2017-12-26 09:29:33

Study the following 2 reactions:

1. RCN + H2O ---> amide
2. C6H12O6 --> C + 6H2O

Are they redox?

Hint: Study the oxidation number of the catenating carbon atom.

你呢2條同識唔識睇carbon係咩oxidation number 完全無關囉龜sir
你真係想教都舉CH3CH2OH -> CH2=CH2 + H2O 係咪redox 啦
你不願意種花 2017-12-26 09:38:44

Study the following 2 reactions:

1. RCN + H2O ---> amide
2. C6H12O6 --> C + 6H2O

Are they redox?

Hint: Study the oxidation number of the catenating carbon atom.

你呢2條同識唔識睇carbon係咩oxidation number 完全無關囉龜sir
你真係想教都舉CH3CH2OH -> CH2=CH2 + H2O 係咪redox 啦
Rule: Hydrolysis and Dehydration are NOT redox

你咁樣咪又係背野 龜蛇
化學艾維斯 2017-12-26 10:04:08
左邊個C個oxidation number -3 右邊個C -1黎
你不願意種花 2017-12-26 10:04:34

Study the following 2 reactions:

1. RCN + H2O ---> amide
2. C6H12O6 --> C + 6H2O

Are they redox?

Hint: Study the oxidation number of the catenating carbon atom.

你呢2條同識唔識睇carbon係咩oxidation number 完全無關囉龜sir
你真係想教都舉CH3CH2OH -> CH2=CH2 + H2O 係咪redox 啦
Rule: Hydrolysis and Dehydration are NOT redox

你咁樣咪又係背野 龜蛇

你點樣屈到兩粒c係-2 -2
係-3 -1喎ching
你不願意種花 2017-12-26 10:06:19

Study the following 2 reactions:

1. RCN + H2O ---> amide
2. C6H12O6 --> C + 6H2O

Are they redox?

Hint: Study the oxidation number of the catenating carbon atom.

你呢2條同識唔識睇carbon係咩oxidation number 完全無關囉龜sir
你真係想教都舉CH3CH2OH -> CH2=CH2 + H2O 係咪redox 啦
Rule: Hydrolysis and Dehydration are NOT redox

你咁樣咪又係背野 龜蛇
左邊個C個oxidation number -3 右邊個C -1黎

化學艾維斯 2017-12-26 10:16:58
出緊去上堂 到已遲
你不願意種花 2017-12-26 10:30:10

Hint: Study the oxidation number of the catenating carbon atom.

你呢2條同識唔識睇carbon係咩oxidation number 完全無關囉龜sir
你真係想教都舉CH3CH2OH -> CH2=CH2 + H2O 係咪redox 啦
Rule: Hydrolysis and Dehydration are NOT redox

你咁樣咪又係背野 龜蛇

你點樣屈到兩粒c係-2 -2
係-3 -1喎ching
Try drawing the reaction mechanism

係果兩粒c 係-3 -1
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