俾個ATO 你參考下
你地2個preservation age唔同唔會影響到你, SMSF 既好處係flexible.
你夠鐘可以用自己D錢你咪convert your accumulation to a pension while your wife can still stay in accumulation phase until she retires.
SMSF另一個selling point 係 estate planning. 假設你2個super入面taxable component好高
which means 你兩個死左, 你兩個小朋友要繼承既話要俾好多death benefit tax.
咁呢有2個做法. (係合法既,不ATO依家試緊可能唔俾做)
1. 你未死個陣做一個叫 withdraw and re-contribute既動作 即係你withdraw D 錢再contribute as non-concessional contribution (因為non-concessional contribution係tax-free,所以D錢會去做tax-free component instead of taxable) 但注意cap is 330k over three financial years.
2. 你就死但死唔哂個陣, 簽張withdrawal form, 一野拎哂D錢出黎放入銀行戶口.
咁你死個陣無super, D錢係銀行戶口= tax free for your children.