我地係會幫你legally minimising your tax payable.
how? mainly using your super = making additional contribution and claim tax deduction.
super你要留意分2類, retail fund or industry fund
你想自己build portfolio就建議你去用retail fund platform
不過自己格下價邊間抵用同埋platform UI user friendly D
Fatso2023-08-23 11:19:45
李乜春話2023-08-23 11:20:45
我唔賣比你2023-08-23 11:21:12
嗯嗯 我諗我同 d 廢老一樣都係旨意買層收租樓退休
所以諗住無腦入哂落 offset 還完再買
最怕要成日 mon 住 d 野升跌所以無買過任何投資產品除咗樓
個 super 係應該搞搞佢
但以前喺香港都淨係識 on99 轉下中港轉下歐美 index 嗰 d 低級操作 唔知澳洲 super 係咪都係咁上下玩法
求其是但喇2023-08-23 11:22:16
blue chip shares 呢 大部分都係fully franked
即係你買個間公司已經俾左30% company tax
澳洲唔係double taxation, 所以你個dividends收返之後仲會有franking credits, franking credits 係可以用黎offset你既investment income從而減但你既assessable tax income = minimise tax.
capital gain tax 係你賣左個股票先要俾, 如果你hold個asset more than 12 months,會有50% discount on the capital gain tax. 如果之前你有capital loss, you can use the loss to offset the gain. Also, concessional contributions can be used to offset capital gain tax.
所以tax唔一定係好嚇人, 你要知道有其他legal tools去minimise it.
姊妹狗2023-08-23 11:22:44
轟天小綿羊2023-08-23 11:23:39
有無Mel tg group
我唔賣比你2023-08-23 11:23:57
絲打好 pro
過一兩年回返 d 血要幫襯你
李乜春話2023-08-23 11:24:47
我唔賣比你2023-08-23 11:24:47
Fin.Grasshopper2023-08-23 11:25:05
如果要搞smsf min set up cost 同running cost大概幾多到
兩公婆夾埋大概幾多balance 先有jetso
求其是但喇2023-08-23 11:26:47
澳洲既super 玩法有D唔同應該
industry fund 就同MPF差唔多啦, 俾幾隻portfolio 你揀, 砌好哂, 多數都係跟index. pretty sure they get it from Vanguard.