後生嗰啲多數都200k income up
唔好話窮撚啦,everyday mum and dads客,之前間firm都有做過,無乜特別啦。
我對於client 有錢與否無乜所謂。如果你聽話跟住recommendation 嚟去做,例如budget planning 然後你唔再係窮撚我都會有成功感。
其實好多人錯覺, financial advice唔係淨係for 有錢人
everyday mums and das 都可能需要 financial advice
可能Asian唔係好覺, 但其實好多household都係對自己living expense budget無咩概念, 唔知Super係乜, 唔知concessional contribution係可以扣稅之類
咁呢D野係我地可以幫到佢地既地方, provide a strategy to improve your financial wellbeing. 再加上保險啦, 不過係連登講保險會死人
但澳洲既保險同香港係完全唔一樣, 香港個D所謂儲蓄保, 澳洲叫whole of life / endowment policies已經係legacy product唔會再賣. 澳洲基本上係賣life insurance, tpd insurance, income protection insurance 同trauma insurance. 呢D保險基本上除左Trauma, 只要你係Employer super 底者industry fund, 基本上一定會包埋。premium係你super入面扣