But to reduce intersectionality to a mere attention to difference is to forego its power as a theoretical and practical orientation.The central insight of intersectionality is that any liberation movement – feminism, anti-racism, the labour movement – that focuses only on what all members of the relevant group (women, people of colour, the work- ing class) have in common is a movement that will best serve those members of the group who are least oppressed.Thus a feminism that deals only with ‘pure’ cases of patriarchal oppression – cases that are ‘uncomplicated’ by factors of caste, race or class – will end up serving the needs of rich white or high-caste women. Likewise, an anti- racist movement that deals only with ‘pure’ cases of racist oppression will end up primarily serving the needs of rich men of colour. Both of these movements will, in turn, produce an assimilationist politics, aimed at securing for the best-off women and men of colour the right to be treated on equal terms with rich white men.p17
But it is precisely those forms of harm that are not common to all women – those from which some women, by virtue of their wealth, race, citizenship status or caste, are insulated – that are the most grievous to the women who suffer them. A feminism that addresses only sexual oppression will pursue strategies that are of little use to women whose sex is just one cause of their political predicament.p162
The belief that a sex worker will be helped by the criminalisation of her trade rests on the assumption that she has other choices available to her – that it is prostitution, rather than, say, poverty or immigration law, that is her fundamental problem.