under 190 唔同occupation個分要求都唔同
但同occupuation既190當然都係鬥高分同first in first serve
GoGym遠足2020-08-22 16:00:05
由我2020-08-22 16:00:17
Threenames2020-08-22 16:01:13
咁如果讀整車呢,我報gold coast 嘅certificate 3 in light vehicle mechanical technology 最終目標係移民做藍領巴打你覺得o唔ok?定拿拿林轉去讀carpentry?
另外我見佢五年485嗰度有一段寫「Current and future students from Hong Kong will be eligible for a five year Temporary Graduate visa on the successful completion of their tertiary studies. Applicants will still need to meet the usual requirements of this visa, including meeting the Australian Study Requirement.」咁我想知如果我讀上面嗰個嘅course會唔會唔夠資格申請?
陳同學2020-08-22 16:01:15
個個問d野都repeat又repeat (利申I'm one of them)