[center]Acceptance of Applications for British National (Overseas) passports by the British Trade Commission[/center]
With effect from Tuesday 1 April 1997, the British Trade Commission has taken over for Hong Kong Immigration Department responsibility for all applications for and enquiries about :
The Hong Kong Immigration Department ceased taking applications for BN(O) passports from Tuesday 1 April 1997.
The address of the Passport Section of the British Trade Commission is :-
British Trade Commission
Passport Section,
Fourth Floor,
1 Supreme Court Road,
Hong Kong
Telephone Number : 2901 3222
Fax Number : 2901 3195
Opening Hours : Monday to Friday
0845 - 1500 hours
Application forms can be obtained from the British Trade Commission at the above address. The Immigration Department will continue handling applications received on or before 31 March 1997 and issue prepared BN(O) passports until Saturday 26 April 1997. Thereafter, all uncollected passports and outstanding applications will be handed over to the British Trade Commission. However, Hong Kong permanent identity cards prepared for children under 11 years of age in connection with their BN(O) passports will continue to be issued at the original immigration offices chosen by the applicants upon application.
For their convenience, applicants are reminded to pick up their passports in time at the immigration offices which have been chosen by them upon application. They will be required to collect their passports at the British Trade Commission if they do not do so before the transfer of the uncollected passports. For BN(O) passports issued to children under 11 years of age, applicants will also be required to collect their children's Hong Kong permanent identity cards at the original immigration offices after they have collected their passports.
第二,根據Article 3 of the Hong Kong (British Nationality) Order 1986