
1. 無交任何grandparent 證明文件(父母結婚證書有grandparent 父系既名

2. 無父母出世紙
3. 父母結婚證書 雙面彩色影印
4. 自己身份證 雙面彩色影印
5. 自己出世紙正本
6. 特區護照全彩印副本
7. 銀行statement (網上Print out

8. Declaration Form,副簽係BNO 香港朋友
9. 相x2 (一張副簽)
10. 一份remark,講
-1. Applicant mother xxx born in China in 2036, do not have birth certificate.
2. Applicant Father YYY born in China in 2047, do not have birth certificate.
3. Grandparent deceased long time ago before applicant was born.No information is available
4. Applicant will join an exchange programme in UK in July 2019, cannot Provide HKSAR Passport.