It is a criminal offence to make a false statement to get a passport. If you have made a false statement on this form, you
could be prosecuted and could go to prison. Our work includes checking that the countersignature in section 10 is genuine.
I declare that I am 16 years or over (or will be within two weeks) and that: 1 I will return a lost passport to a UK passport office if it comes into my possession;
2 I, or the person named in section 2 of this application (if different), am a British national and have not lost or given up my national status;
3 I have stated if the person named in section 2 was born of a surrogacy arrangement;
4 I do not owe any money to the UK Government for repatriation or similar relief;
5 this application does not break the terms of any court order
to which I, and the person named in section 2 (if different)
am subject;
6 as far as I know all the information I have given in this
application is correct;
7 if the application is for a child, I have parental responsibility
and I have enclosed any court orders that relate to the child’s
residence, contact or removal from the UK/country of residence;
8 I, or the person named in section 2 of this application (if
different), understand that by voluntarily applying for a British
passport, I may lose my citizenship of another country; and
9 I have read both the guidance notes and the caution above
and fully understand the consequences of my actions in
applying for a passport.