英國保守黨旗下政治團體Moggmentum表態支持香港歸英 (2)

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2018-11-15 15:52:53
谷行條野你件垃圾由上個post 嘅#346 開始, 拖到(2)都唔clarify 唔到"英籍", "英國公民" 嘅定義, 但就要死撐足4日

答到未呀? 無料到就收皮啦, 仲要死撐

尤其是因為你上個post 嘅#346 個reply 顯示你根本連基本定義都有問題. 所以你要人哋答之前, 唔該你clarify 晒啲定義先. 唔好不斷迴避不斷轉移視線

而谷行條野你clarify 返上個post #346嘅定義之前, 你再問嘅所有問題, 我都無必要答你, 直到你clarify 到為止

上個post : http://lih.kg/fEwEehX
2018-11-15 18:19:31
post code 點打?
2018-11-15 19:45:45
你可以喺clarify嘅時候,將specific terms轉晒做英文

谷行條野你件垃圾由上個post 嘅#346 開始, 拖到(2)都唔clarify 唔到"英籍", "英國公民" 嘅定義, 但就要死撐足4日

答到未呀? 無料到就收皮啦, 仲要死撐

尤其是因為你上個post 嘅#346 個reply 顯示你根本連基本定義都有問題. 所以你要人哋答之前, 唔該你clarify 晒啲定義先. 唔好不斷迴避不斷轉移視線

而谷行條野你clarify 返上個post #346嘅定義之前, 你再問嘅所有問題, 我都無必要答你, 直到你clarify 到為止

上個post : http://lih.kg/fEwEehX
2018-11-15 19:48:04
For sure I can discuss in English.
But I don't think you can express yourself fluently in English.
Especially you even can make clear the difference between British nationality and British Citizen
2018-11-15 19:52:40
For sure I can discuss in English.
But I don't think you can express yourself fluently in English.
Especially you even can't make clear the difference between British nationality and British Citizen
2018-11-15 20:29:04
You are arguing in appeal to assertion again.
Once again, no matter who I am. You still not clarify what is your meaning about “英籍” and “英國公民” . Or just because you don't even understand the meaning of these two terms?

What an idiot
2018-11-15 20:34:27
You are arguing in appeal to assertion again.
Once again, no matter who I am. You still not clarify what is your meaning about “英籍” and “英國公民” . Or just because you don't even understand the meaning of these two terms?

What an idiot
2018-11-15 20:51:01
自己寫開 nil
2018-11-15 21:48:37
2018-11-15 23:14:32
2018-11-16 00:13:24
You sucker, it is you to say these two terms in Chinese first.
Who knows your mean "英籍" is it identical to "British Nationality"?
You always moving the goalposts. That's the reason why other may need to use what exact wording you used, to ask you to clarify your meaning clearly.

Moreover, you are still trying to avoid to clarify, it's been 5 days already.
2018-11-16 00:16:04
So? picking my grammar doesn't mean you are correct in your arguement.
You are always playing with logical fallacies. Using red herring means you still avoid to clarify. You are just a man with no balls.
2018-11-16 00:22:18
你要捉我英文無問題. 咁我會話你呢個中國人喺度扮香港人囉

我之前都費事玩到捉用字咁難睇. 你要咁玩的話, 咁唔好怪我喇, 扮香港人
2018-11-16 00:27:58
make it clear 同make a difference 都係idiom 喎,你咪鬼同佢癲啦
2018-11-16 00:28:38
Use your same logic. If a Hong Konger that's not good in Chinese, and he does not admit that he is Chinese. That will be nothing wrong.
So you are double Standard, because you think it is a shame to proclaim as a British when there is some grammar mistake. Meanwhile, you are forcing others to be a Chinese, but he even cannot speak Chinese well.
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