[quote]唉 好迷惘希望有巴打答下
本身non construction related local degree frad搵到大main con AQS請左
1. 讀QS master有冇用?
2. 其實宜家rics hkis都可以用working exp黎報考APC,APC睇唔睇你咩學歷出身?
3.如果唔認轉consultant client,考唔考hkis rics有冇大影響?[/quote
1. In my opinion not much use but for Cv purpose may be desirable.
2. As an assessor for both institutions, I can tell you that we do not care about your qualifications. We only care about whether you attained the standard befit of a chartered QS.
3. Due to lack of pre-contract experience, contractor's QS will be at a disadvantage when attending APC.
It depends on what position they offered you.
好似fg qs都係graduate qs做兩年