有間sub仔請我做aqs 但我又驚做sub難轉番出黎做其他野
而且自己仲考慮緊讀唔讀top up 好難諗![]()
記得你好似都係city asso
in過好多間main con都唔請
有間sub仔請我做aqs 但我又驚做sub難轉番出黎做其他野
而且自己仲考慮緊讀唔讀top up 好難諗![]()
有間sub仔請我做aqs 但我又驚做sub難轉番出黎做其他野
而且自己仲考慮緊讀唔讀top up 好難諗![]()
搵工我自己就唔太急 讀top up有得做intern到時可以再做
Fitting out aqs黎![]()
但讀唔讀top up degree好
有間sub仔請我做aqs 但我又驚做sub難轉番出黎做其他野
而且自己仲考慮緊讀唔讀top up 好難諗![]()
搵工我自己就唔太急 讀top up有得做intern到時可以再做
Fitting out aqs黎![]()
但讀唔讀top up degree好
有間sub仔請我做aqs 但我又驚做sub難轉番出黎做其他野
而且自己仲考慮緊讀唔讀top up 好難諗![]()
搵工我自己就唔太急 讀top up有得做intern到時可以再做
Fitting out aqs黎![]()
但讀唔讀top up degree好
有間sub仔請我做aqs 但我又驚做sub難轉番出黎做其他野
而且自己仲考慮緊讀唔讀top up 好難諗![]()
記得你好似都係city asso
in過好多間main con都唔請
英國同強國有冇啲公開文件好似ASD嘅Schedule of rate咁![]()
有間sub仔請我做aqs 但我又驚做sub難轉番出黎做其他野
而且自己仲考慮緊讀唔讀top up 好難諗![]()
記得你好似都係city asso
in過好多間main con都唔請
有間sub仔請我做aqs 但我又驚做sub難轉番出黎做其他野
而且自己仲考慮緊讀唔讀top up 好難諗![]()
記得你好似都係city asso
in過好多間main con都唔請
平時見d老細都幾鍾意請city asso
巴打有冇打聽過d老細對speed surveying 點睇
問一問QS 巴打
如果計max retention,
每期cert payment 時,
個contract sum 要唔要跟計埋vo 後個final contract 個價離計?
Awarded contract Sum - $100,000
Cert. VO amount - $20,000
Max retention -應該係 5% = ($100,000 *5% = 5,000)
定變左做 $120,000 *5% = $6,000
*using HKIS SFC with qty 05
其實我做緊果間MC, cert 糧俾sub con,
contract retention 同vo retention 係分開既
所以請教下各位 巴打
Please read the condition of contract carefully. The contract stipulated that the maximum retention or limit of retention is 5% of Contract Sum. Contract Sum is the value of the contract when it was accepted. There is no such separate thing as retention for work and VO. There is only one retention. Maximum retention is a value and it ascertainment is by the method stipulated in the contract conditions.
In you example the Limit of Retention is 5000. You retain a value based on the percentage included in the contract until you reach the value of 5000 then you retain no more.
唔該巴打, 因為我睇SFC , 我見佢寫
cl.13.5 regarding "adjustment of contract sum" - Effect shall be given to a Valuation under clause 13.3 by adjustment of the contract sum.
而max retention 係按 contract sum x max retention % 離計,
所以我唔肯定 如果contract sum adjusted 左, 係會用返 Awarded contract sum 計定會用 adjusted contract sum 計
英國同強國有冇啲公開文件好似ASD嘅Schedule of rate咁![]()
有冇在職巴打既上司/老細對speed program有評價
師資我就唔太驚 佢就話本部老師教 反正speed都冇工科呀sir![]()
英國同強國有冇啲公開文件好似ASD嘅Schedule of rate咁![]()
問一問QS 巴打
如果計max retention,
每期cert payment 時,
個contract sum 要唔要跟計埋vo 後個final contract 個價離計?
Awarded contract Sum - $100,000
Cert. VO amount - $20,000
Max retention -應該係 5% = ($100,000 *5% = 5,000)
定變左做 $120,000 *5% = $6,000
*using HKIS SFC with qty 05
其實我做緊果間MC, cert 糧俾sub con,
contract retention 同vo retention 係分開既
所以請教下各位 巴打
Please read the condition of contract carefully. The contract stipulated that the maximum retention or limit of retention is 5% of Contract Sum. Contract Sum is the value of the contract when it was accepted. There is no such separate thing as retention for work and VO. There is only one retention. Maximum retention is a value and it ascertainment is by the method stipulated in the contract conditions.
In you example the Limit of Retention is 5000. You retain a value based on the percentage included in the contract until you reach the value of 5000 then you retain no more.
唔該巴打, 因為我睇SFC , 我見佢寫
cl.13.5 regarding "adjustment of contract sum" - Effect shall be given to a Valuation under clause 13.3 by adjustment of the contract sum.
而max retention 係按 contract sum x max retention % 離計,
所以我唔肯定 如果contract sum adjusted 左, 係會用返 Awarded contract sum 計定會用 adjusted contract sum 計
問一問QS 巴打
如果計max retention,
每期cert payment 時,
個contract sum 要唔要跟計埋vo 後個final contract 個價離計?
Awarded contract Sum - $100,000
Cert. VO amount - $20,000
Max retention -應該係 5% = ($100,000 *5% = 5,000)
定變左做 $120,000 *5% = $6,000
*using HKIS SFC with qty 05
其實我做緊果間MC, cert 糧俾sub con,
contract retention 同vo retention 係分開既
所以請教下各位 巴打
Please read the condition of contract carefully. The contract stipulated that the maximum retention or limit of retention is 5% of Contract Sum. Contract Sum is the value of the contract when it was accepted. There is no such separate thing as retention for work and VO. There is only one retention. Maximum retention is a value and it ascertainment is by the method stipulated in the contract conditions.
In you example the Limit of Retention is 5000. You retain a value based on the percentage included in the contract until you reach the value of 5000 then you retain no more.
唔該巴打, 因為我睇SFC , 我見佢寫
cl.13.5 regarding "adjustment of contract sum" - Effect shall be given to a Valuation under clause 13.3 by adjustment of the contract sum.
而max retention 係按 contract sum x max retention % 離計,
所以我唔肯定 如果contract sum adjusted 左, 係會用返 Awarded contract sum 計定會用 adjusted contract sum 計