OnePlus 3/3T 集中討論區 LIHKG (5)

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2017-06-09 19:10:25
2017-06-09 19:14:55
唔好跟車太貼 一陣又炒哂車
之前堅果pro都係咁 發佈會完全另一個樣


但你睇下oppo部新機 都係呢個款

(仲用緊Oneplus one)

定係比AP爆左張高仿iphone 7圖出黎 佢嬲嬲豬

索性玩大佢 然後發佈會係另一部機 一舖清AP袋


不要FF太多 99%係呢個樣的
2017-06-09 19:16:45
岩岩壞撚左部垃圾g4,想換3T, 又發現月底出5,買3T又好似唔抵,出5好似會降價咁,但唔通成個月唔用電話咩? 大家話點好。


3t會直接下架 唔會有減價

到時候你去深水埗買3t 隨時貴過依家上官網買
2017-06-09 19:24:30
岩岩壞撚左部垃圾g4,想換3T, 又發現月底出5,買3T又好似唔抵,出5好似會降價咁,但唔通成個月唔用電話咩? 大家話點好。


3t會直接下架 唔會有減價

到時候你去深水埗買3t 隨時貴過依家上官網買

2017-06-09 19:35:37
岩岩壞撚左部垃圾g4,想換3T, 又發現月底出5,買3T又好似唔抵,出5好似會降價咁,但唔通成個月唔用電話咩? 大家話點好。


3t會直接下架 唔會有減價

到時候你去深水埗買3t 隨時貴過依家上官網買

等20/6 op5發怖會先


2017-06-09 19:36:11
岩岩壞撚左部垃圾g4,想換3T, 又發現月底出5,買3T又好似唔抵,出5好似會降價咁,但唔通成個月唔用電話咩? 大家話點好。


3t會直接下架 唔會有減價

到時候你去深水埗買3t 隨時貴過依家上官網買


2017-06-09 20:19:52
唔好跟車太貼 一陣又炒哂車
之前堅果pro都係咁 發佈會完全另一個樣


但你睇下oppo部新機 都係呢個款

(仲用緊Oneplus one)

定係比AP爆左張高仿iphone 7圖出黎 佢嬲嬲豬

索性玩大佢 然後發佈會係另一部機 一舖清AP袋


不要FF太多 99%係呢個樣的

2017-06-09 20:23:08
唔好跟車太貼 一陣又炒哂車
之前堅果pro都係咁 發佈會完全另一個樣


但你睇下oppo部新機 都係呢個款

(仲用緊Oneplus one)

定係比AP爆左張高仿iphone 7圖出黎 佢嬲嬲豬

索性玩大佢 然後發佈會係另一部機 一舖清AP袋


不要FF太多 99%係呢個樣的


2017-06-09 20:47:17
Today there’s new information about what the OnePlus 5 could possibly cost in India. True-Tech reports that a reliable sourced sent in a table of the alleged retail pricing of the OnePlus 5 for the Indian market. The table lists a 6GB/64GB model at INR 32,999 (~$513) while the 8GB/128GB model is supposed to cost INR 37,999 (~$591).

dllm 600usd
2017-06-09 20:57:41
Today there’s new information about what the OnePlus 5 could possibly cost in India. True-Tech reports that a reliable sourced sent in a table of the alleged retail pricing of the OnePlus 5 for the Indian market. The table lists a 6GB/64GB model at INR 32,999 (~$513) while the 8GB/128GB model is supposed to cost INR 37,999 (~$591).

dllm 600usd

等iPhone 8好過,今次幾想轉會,iPhone 8啲leak話係無邊框(上下都接近無,唔係好似S8咁留少少),而且touch ID係融入咗個screen裡面,用落應該會好爽
2017-06-09 21:12:55
Today there’s new information about what the OnePlus 5 could possibly cost in India. True-Tech reports that a reliable sourced sent in a table of the alleged retail pricing of the OnePlus 5 for the Indian market. The table lists a 6GB/64GB model at INR 32,999 (~$513) while the 8GB/128GB model is supposed to cost INR 37,999 (~$591).

dllm 600usd

等iPhone 8好過,今次幾想轉會,iPhone 8啲leak話係無邊框(上下都接近無,唔係好似S8咁留少少),而且touch ID係融入咗個screen裡面,用落應該會好爽

2017-06-09 21:17:21
Today there’s new information about what the OnePlus 5 could possibly cost in India. True-Tech reports that a reliable sourced sent in a table of the alleged retail pricing of the OnePlus 5 for the Indian market. The table lists a 6GB/64GB model at INR 32,999 (~$513) while the 8GB/128GB model is supposed to cost INR 37,999 (~$591).

dllm 600usd

等iPhone 8好過,今次幾想轉會,iPhone 8啲leak話係無邊框(上下都接近無,唔係好似S8咁留少少),而且touch ID係融入咗個screen裡面,用落應該會好爽


600usd 我寧願Help This Company好過
2017-06-09 21:21:31
Today there’s new information about what the OnePlus 5 could possibly cost in India. True-Tech reports that a reliable sourced sent in a table of the alleged retail pricing of the OnePlus 5 for the Indian market. The table lists a 6GB/64GB model at INR 32,999 (~$513) while the 8GB/128GB model is supposed to cost INR 37,999 (~$591).

dllm 600usd

等iPhone 8好過,今次幾想轉會,iPhone 8啲leak話係無邊框(上下都接近無,唔係好似S8咁留少少),而且touch ID係融入咗個screen裡面,用落應該會好爽


變晒,一開始話整affordable flagship killer,依家自己都係咁貴
2017-06-09 21:25:36
4千蚊, 咁就冇晒性價比啦
2017-06-09 21:26:05
Today there’s new information about what the OnePlus 5 could possibly cost in India. True-Tech reports that a reliable sourced sent in a table of the alleged retail pricing of the OnePlus 5 for the Indian market. The table lists a 6GB/64GB model at INR 32,999 (~$513) while the 8GB/128GB model is supposed to cost INR 37,999 (~$591).

dllm 600usd

等iPhone 8好過,今次幾想轉會,iPhone 8啲leak話係無邊框(上下都接近無,唔係好似S8咁留少少),而且touch ID係融入咗個screen裡面,用落應該會好爽


變晒,一開始話整affordable flagship killer,依家自己都係咁貴

2017-06-09 21:26:30
Today there’s new information about what the OnePlus 5 could possibly cost in India. True-Tech reports that a reliable sourced sent in a table of the alleged retail pricing of the OnePlus 5 for the Indian market. The table lists a 6GB/64GB model at INR 32,999 (~$513) while the 8GB/128GB model is supposed to cost INR 37,999 (~$591).

dllm 600usd

等iPhone 8好過,今次幾想轉會,iPhone 8啲leak話係無邊框(上下都接近無,唔係好似S8咁留少少),而且touch ID係融入咗個screen裡面,用落應該會好爽


變晒,一開始話整affordable flagship killer,依家自己都係咁貴

佢諗住有左fan base 就可以推向高價
2017-06-09 21:29:32
Today there’s new information about what the OnePlus 5 could possibly cost in India. True-Tech reports that a reliable sourced sent in a table of the alleged retail pricing of the OnePlus 5 for the Indian market. The table lists a 6GB/64GB model at INR 32,999 (~$513) while the 8GB/128GB model is supposed to cost INR 37,999 (~$591).

dllm 600usd

等iPhone 8好過,今次幾想轉會,iPhone 8啲leak話係無邊框(上下都接近無,唔係好似S8咁留少少),而且touch ID係融入咗個screen裡面,用落應該會好爽


600usd 我寧願Help This Company好過

我都認同, 而家用左3t幾個月, 發現佢個介面都係冇HTC咁好, contacts人名會有錯誤重覆已經係一大bug
2017-06-09 21:42:48
Today there’s new information about what the OnePlus 5 could possibly cost in India. True-Tech reports that a reliable sourced sent in a table of the alleged retail pricing of the OnePlus 5 for the Indian market. The table lists a 6GB/64GB model at INR 32,999 (~$513) while the 8GB/128GB model is supposed to cost INR 37,999 (~$591).

dllm 600usd

等iPhone 8好過,今次幾想轉會,iPhone 8啲leak話係無邊框(上下都接近無,唔係好似S8咁留少少),而且touch ID係融入咗個screen裡面,用落應該會好爽


變晒,一開始話整affordable flagship killer,依家自己都係咁貴

OP5 連個價都抄iPhone
但用緊3T 非常滿意
2017-06-09 21:48:13
Today there’s new information about what the OnePlus 5 could possibly cost in India. True-Tech reports that a reliable sourced sent in a table of the alleged retail pricing of the OnePlus 5 for the Indian market. The table lists a 6GB/64GB model at INR 32,999 (~$513) while the 8GB/128GB model is supposed to cost INR 37,999 (~$591).

dllm 600usd

等iPhone 8好過,今次幾想轉會,iPhone 8啲leak話係無邊框(上下都接近無,唔係好似S8咁留少少),而且touch ID係融入咗個screen裡面,用落應該會好爽


600usd 我寧願Help This Company好過

diu, me think the same
2017-06-09 22:54:52

2017-06-09 22:57:02
我等nokia9 /罪大xz1算

四千蚊買部高性能山寨iphone7 當我地傻仔?

期待左幾個月 點知結果咁込人失望
2017-06-09 22:57:46
Today there’s new information about what the OnePlus 5 could possibly cost in India. True-Tech reports that a reliable sourced sent in a table of the alleged retail pricing of the OnePlus 5 for the Indian market. The table lists a 6GB/64GB model at INR 32,999 (~$513) while the 8GB/128GB model is supposed to cost INR 37,999 (~$591).

dllm 600usd

等iPhone 8好過,今次幾想轉會,iPhone 8啲leak話係無邊框(上下都接近無,唔係好似S8咁留少少),而且touch ID係融入咗個screen裡面,用落應該會好爽


600usd 我寧願Help This Company好過

我都認同, 而家用左3t幾個月, 發現佢個介面都係冇HTC咁好, contacts人名會有錯誤重覆已經係一大bug

咁係你個Google contact有啲炒粉喎,oneplus contact apps無記錯係用返Google stock
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞