測量(GP, BS, QS)討論區


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大衛韋拿 2016-12-09 19:25:09
金門qs trainee interview 有咩要注意
說不出的柒 2016-12-09 19:50:26
fit out 其實仲有無得做

ps : 岩岩入行一年QS仔

fit out點會無得做,問題係你有無料做得好

fit out睇既野俾大樓detail, 細膩好多

係某濕尻main con做左年半fit out AQS,日日都做到十點幾先走得
SmartW 2016-12-09 20:09:33
Which of the following construction requires a fire rating period?
(1) Non-load-bearing partition walls between retail shops inside a shopping arcade of a single owner and management
(2) Reinforced concrete roof slab above the office portion of a 40-storey high office tower
(3) A steel footbridge with 1.1m parapet connecting two residential towers inside a private residential development
(4) A 1500 sq. m. by 4.5m high single storey steel building for industrial use, with all sides setback from the site boundary by 8 metres
A. (1) and (4) only
B. (2) and (3) only
C. (3) and (4) only
D. none of the above

ans: B [i m sure that options (1) & (4) 應該唔駛FRR ]


1) Partition walls separating different occupancies shall have adequate FRR

2) If not refuge roof/forming part of MoE, no need FRR

3) Not all cases require FRR for linked bridge

4) External walls shall have FRR wor
插柳成蔭 2016-12-09 20:12:04
SmartW 2016-12-09 20:19:19
Thei個19 degree hkis accredit左啦 ?

點解要hkis accredited?

SmartW 2016-12-09 20:24:50
點解讀外國BS degree(玩外國例)

都係睇你個人有無sense, 點解要咁固步自封

你咁講啲國家唔應該有專業移民啦,你移民去第2度做返同一個profession都係要適應嫁啦,有料pick up 香港例 新加坡例 英國例都無問題

Ps 新加坡例仲嚴過香港
測量仔好驚鬼 2016-12-09 20:55:32
點解讀外國BS degree(玩外國例)

唔知 而家追番讀到我死 仲要學番cad

where are u studying the BS course now?

grad完仲讀!? 快啲出黎做邊讀邊攞經驗好過啦
沙門基利 2016-12-09 21:12:56
Thei個19 degree hkis accredit左啦 ?

點解要hkis accredited?


外行人主要係冇人簽你log bk
沙門基利 2016-12-09 21:14:41
Thei個19 degree hkis accredit左啦 ?

點解要hkis accredited?


其實係咪讀polyu pt surveying 考牌率高啲?😅
SmartW 2016-12-09 21:20:54

點解要hkis accredited?


外行人主要係冇人簽你log bk

沙門基利 2016-12-09 22:06:30
Which of the following construction requires a fire rating period?
(1) Non-load-bearing partition walls between retail shops inside a shopping arcade of a single owner and management
(2) Reinforced concrete roof slab above the office portion of a 40-storey high office tower
(3) A steel footbridge with 1.1m parapet connecting two residential towers inside a private residential development
(4) A 1500 sq. m. by 4.5m high single storey steel building for industrial use, with all sides setback from the site boundary by 8 metres
A. (1) and (4) only
B. (2) and (3) only
C. (3) and (4) only
D. none of the above

ans: B [i m sure that options (1) & (4) 應該唔駛FRR ]


1) Partition walls separating different occupancies shall have adequate FRR

2) If not refuge roof/forming part of MoE, no need FRR

3) Not all cases require FRR for linked bridge

4) External walls shall have FRR wor

i m sure that options (1) & (4) 應該唔駛FRR (re. "copy & paste" from fire code 2011)

Clause C7.3
Provided that the fire compartment area limitations in Table C1 are complied with, separation by fire barriers are not required between different occupancies for the following
(a) Use Classification 4a; or <--- offices
(b) Retail shops in Use Classification 4b.

For shopping arcade, retail shops are not required to be separated from the common arcade or mall area by fire barriers taking into account that the shops are under a common management and a common fire alarm system actuated by a sprinkler alarm or by break glass points is installed.

Clause C4.3
Where a single-storey building does not exceed 7,000m³ in volume and 7.5m in height, any steelwork construction may be unprotected, provided that the building is separated from any adjoining building or the site boundary by a clear unobstructed open space not less than 6m
in width.
沙門基利 2016-12-09 22:14:32
Which of the following construction requires a fire rating period?
(1) Non-load-bearing partition walls between retail shops inside a shopping arcade of a single owner and management
(2) Reinforced concrete roof slab above the office portion of a 40-storey high office tower
(3) A steel footbridge with 1.1m parapet connecting two residential towers inside a private residential development
(4) A 1500 sq. m. by 4.5m high single storey steel building for industrial use, with all sides setback from the site boundary by 8 metres
A. (1) and (4) only
B. (2) and (3) only
C. (3) and (4) only
D. none of the above

ans: B [i m sure that options (1) & (4) 應該唔駛FRR ]


1) Partition walls separating different occupancies shall have adequate FRR

2) If not refuge roof/forming part of MoE, no need FRR

3) Not all cases require FRR for linked bridge

4) External walls shall have FRR wor

Clause C15.1
A bridge may link two or more buildings and should comply with the following:-

(a) Where fire barrier is provided at each end of the bridge, the elements of construction of the bridge and such fire barriers should have the longest of the FRR of the storey(s) the bridge links. If the fire barriers are fire shutters, by-pass lobbies clearly indicated by exit signs should be provided. The external walls at the junctions of the bridge and the building(s) should comply with the requirements in Subsection C5.

(b) Where no fire barrier is provided at each end of the bridge and the bridge is unenclosed, i.e. both sides of the bridge are provided with, throughout its whole length, protective barriers or parapets not higher than 1.2m, it should be constructed of non-combustible materials and the elements of construction should have the longest of the FRR of the storey(s) it links.

(c) Where no fire barrier is provided at each end of the bridge and the bridge is not unenclosed, it will be regarded as an integral part of the fire compartment it links and should comply with the relevant requirements in this Code with regards to the building(s) it links.

it seems that no matter what situations (a), (b) & (c) are, FRR is required for linking bridge
SmartW 2016-12-09 22:28:58
Which of the following construction requires a fire rating period?
(1) Non-load-bearing partition walls between retail shops inside a shopping arcade of a single owner and management
(2) Reinforced concrete roof slab above the office portion of a 40-storey high office tower
(3) A steel footbridge with 1.1m parapet connecting two residential towers inside a private residential development
(4) A 1500 sq. m. by 4.5m high single storey steel building for industrial use, with all sides setback from the site boundary by 8 metres
A. (1) and (4) only
B. (2) and (3) only
C. (3) and (4) only
D. none of the above

ans: B [i m sure that options (1) & (4) 應該唔駛FRR ]


1) Partition walls separating different occupancies shall have adequate FRR

2) If not refuge roof/forming part of MoE, no need FRR

3) Not all cases require FRR for linked bridge

4) External walls shall have FRR wor

Clause C15.1
A bridge may link two or more buildings and should comply with the following:-

(a) Where fire barrier is provided at each end of the bridge, the elements of construction of the bridge and such fire barriers should have the longest of the FRR of the storey(s) the bridge links. If the fire barriers are fire shutters, by-pass lobbies clearly indicated by exit signs should be provided. The external walls at the junctions of the bridge and the building(s) should comply with the requirements in Subsection C5.

(b) Where no fire barrier is provided at each end of the bridge and the bridge is unenclosed, i.e. both sides of the bridge are provided with, throughout its whole length, protective barriers or parapets not higher than 1.2m, it should be constructed of non-combustible materials and the elements of construction should have the longest of the FRR of the storey(s) it links.

(c) Where no fire barrier is provided at each end of the bridge and the bridge is not unenclosed, it will be regarded as an integral part of the fire compartment it links and should comply with the relevant requirements in this Code with regards to the building(s) it links.

it seems that no matter what situations (a), (b) & (c) are, FRR is required for linking bridge

I don't think the question is asking Elements of Construction. Coz FRR for EOC is always required.
沙門基利 2016-12-09 22:46:55
I don't think the question is asking Elements of Construction. Coz FRR for EOC is always required.

Clause C9.4
Each element of construction of a required staircase including the landings and supports enclosed within the walls having the required FRR need not have an FRR but must be noncombustible.

I don't know whether or not C9.4 means that EOC of a required staircase need not hv an FRR

冇人教自己睇fire code
let's discuss
青山話事人 2016-12-09 22:59:12
Which of the following construction requires a fire rating period?
(1) Non-load-bearing partition walls between retail shops inside a shopping arcade of a single owner and management
(2) Reinforced concrete roof slab above the office portion of a 40-storey high office tower
(3) A steel footbridge with 1.1m parapet connecting two residential towers inside a private residential development
(4) A 1500 sq. m. by 4.5m high single storey steel building for industrial use, with all sides setback from the site boundary by 8 metres
A. (1) and (4) only
B. (2) and (3) only
C. (3) and (4) only
D. none of the above

ans: B [i m sure that options (1) & (4) 應該唔駛FRR ]


1) Partition walls separating different occupancies shall have adequate FRR

2) If not refuge roof/forming part of MoE, no need FRR

3) Not all cases require FRR for linked bridge

4) External walls shall have FRR wor

Clause C15.1
A bridge may link two or more buildings and should comply with the following:-

(a) Where fire barrier is provided at each end of the bridge, the elements of construction of the bridge and such fire barriers should have the longest of the FRR of the storey(s) the bridge links. If the fire barriers are fire shutters, by-pass lobbies clearly indicated by exit signs should be provided. The external walls at the junctions of the bridge and the building(s) should comply with the requirements in Subsection C5.

(b) Where no fire barrier is provided at each end of the bridge and the bridge is unenclosed, i.e. both sides of the bridge are provided with, throughout its whole length, protective barriers or parapets not higher than 1.2m, it should be constructed of non-combustible materials and the elements of construction should have the longest of the FRR of the storey(s) it links.

(c) Where no fire barrier is provided at each end of the bridge and the bridge is not unenclosed, it will be regarded as an integral part of the fire compartment it links and should comply with the relevant requirements in this Code with regards to the building(s) it links.

it seems that no matter what situations (a), (b) & (c) are, FRR is required for linking bridge

I don't think the question is asking Elements of Construction. Coz FRR for EOC is always required.

Shitty asso bs報到


1. Shopping arcade同retail shop都係under classification 4b
2. Shopping arcade同retail shop可以係used for same occupancies

SmartW 2016-12-09 23:07:34
I don't think the question is asking Elements of Construction. Coz FRR for EOC is always required.

Clause C9.4
Each element of construction of a required staircase including the landings and supports enclosed within the walls having the required FRR need not have an FRR but must be noncombustible.

I don't know whether or not C9.4 means that EOC of a required staircase need not hv an FRR

冇人教自己睇fire code
let's discuss

fire code個精神就係eoc 同required staircase 都必需要有fire rated protection,但如果req'd staircase 入面有eoc,因為req'd staircase enclosing walls 已經需要有fire rated,所以可以唔使重覆

但如果你因為咁覺得eoc唔使一定需要fire rated ,就太過狹窄解讀呢d codes and regulations, 因為即使乎合文字意思,但唔乎合個精神
沙門基利 2016-12-09 23:09:11
Shitty asso bs報到


1. Shopping arcade同retail shop都係under classification 4b
2. Shopping arcade同retail shop可以係used for same occupancies


Clause C7.3
Provided that the fire compartment area limitations in Table C1 are complied with, separation by fire barriers are not required between different occupancies for the following
(a) Use Classification 4a; or <--- offices
(b) Retail shops in Use Classification 4b.

For shopping arcade, retail shops are not required to be separated from the common arcade or mall area by fire barriers taking into account that the shops are under a common management and a common fire alarm system actuated by a sprinkler alarm or by break glass points is installed.

C7.3 states that separation by fire barriers are NOT required even between DIFFERENT occupancies for retail shops inside a shopping arcade
SmartW 2016-12-09 23:09:23
Which of the following construction requires a fire rating period?
(1) Non-load-bearing partition walls between retail shops inside a shopping arcade of a single owner and management
(2) Reinforced concrete roof slab above the office portion of a 40-storey high office tower
(3) A steel footbridge with 1.1m parapet connecting two residential towers inside a private residential development
(4) A 1500 sq. m. by 4.5m high single storey steel building for industrial use, with all sides setback from the site boundary by 8 metres
A. (1) and (4) only
B. (2) and (3) only
C. (3) and (4) only
D. none of the above

ans: B [i m sure that options (1) & (4) 應該唔駛FRR ]


1) Partition walls separating different occupancies shall have adequate FRR

2) If not refuge roof/forming part of MoE, no need FRR

3) Not all cases require FRR for linked bridge

4) External walls shall have FRR wor

Clause C15.1
A bridge may link two or more buildings and should comply with the following:-

(a) Where fire barrier is provided at each end of the bridge, the elements of construction of the bridge and such fire barriers should have the longest of the FRR of the storey(s) the bridge links. If the fire barriers are fire shutters, by-pass lobbies clearly indicated by exit signs should be provided. The external walls at the junctions of the bridge and the building(s) should comply with the requirements in Subsection C5.

(b) Where no fire barrier is provided at each end of the bridge and the bridge is unenclosed, i.e. both sides of the bridge are provided with, throughout its whole length, protective barriers or parapets not higher than 1.2m, it should be constructed of non-combustible materials and the elements of construction should have the longest of the FRR of the storey(s) it links.

(c) Where no fire barrier is provided at each end of the bridge and the bridge is not unenclosed, it will be regarded as an integral part of the fire compartment it links and should comply with the relevant requirements in this Code with regards to the building(s) it links.

it seems that no matter what situations (a), (b) & (c) are, FRR is required for linking bridge

I don't think the question is asking Elements of Construction. Coz FRR for EOC is always required.

Shitty asso bs報到


1. Shopping arcade同retail shop都係under classification 4b
2. Shopping arcade同retail shop可以係used for same occupancies


could you please name 1 shopping arcade in hk which is “可以係used for same occupancies“ ?
19survey仔 2016-12-09 23:10:29
year 1留名
沙門基利 2016-12-09 23:11:37
I don't think the question is asking Elements of Construction. Coz FRR for EOC is always required.

Clause C9.4
Each element of construction of a required staircase including the landings and supports enclosed within the walls having the required FRR need not have an FRR but must be noncombustible.

I don't know whether or not C9.4 means that EOC of a required staircase need not hv an FRR

冇人教自己睇fire code
let's discuss

fire code個精神就係eoc 同required staircase 都必需要有fire rated protection,但如果req'd staircase 入面有eoc,因為req'd staircase enclosing walls 已經需要有fire rated,所以可以唔使重覆

但如果你因為咁覺得eoc唔使一定需要fire rated ,就太過狹窄解讀呢d codes and regulations, 因為即使乎合文字意思,但唔乎合個精神

ChanTingKai 2016-12-09 23:11:39
我想問bs落唔落到地盤做apc or cow個啲
沙門基利 2016-12-09 23:16:31

C7.3 states that separation by fire barriers are NOT required even between DIFFERENT occupancies for retail shops inside a shopping arcade

其實 if different occupancies of retail shops inside a shopping arcade required separation by fire barriers 都幾煩, 因為 most retail shops in shopping malls 都需要中門大開迎客
SmartW 2016-12-09 23:21:37

C7.3 states that separation by fire barriers are NOT required even between DIFFERENT occupancies for retail shops inside a shopping arcade

其實 if different occupancies of retail shops inside a shopping arcade required separation by fire barriers 都幾煩, 因為 most retail shops in shopping malls 都需要中門大開迎客

所以面向arcade/common corridor 個面唔需要FRR
SmartW 2016-12-09 23:30:56
我想問bs落唔落到地盤做apc or cow個啲

都有,degree grade 通常做1/2年會搵到developer/client side既工可以跳槽

因為developer鐘意請有site exp既人,bs仔想入developer既可以諗諗
SmartW 2016-12-09 23:33:17
我想問bs落唔落到地盤做apc or cow個啲

都有,degree grad 通常做1/2年會搵到developer/client side既工可以跳槽

因為developer鐘意請有site exp既人,bs仔想入developer既可以諗諗
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞