No. You need those experience before you can do claims. I am a CQS and barrister major in construction dispute.
師兄,可唔可以講多啲claim consultant 嘅行情同career path。
QS有牌後一定要再讀LLB/LLM ?
Studying for further qualification is beneficial but not a must. A LLB is better than a LLM. In claims consultant if you are chartered you can be a senior consultant then managing consultant, thereafter associate director, director, managing director and chairman. On the other hand if you have networking you can start your own firm. I worked as RSS for a long time then now principally dealing with arbitration and litigation.
Thanks 師兄,想問如果讀LLB 會唔會有邊啲課程會比較好? 識人讀緊依個hku space 搞嘅課程
我見佢話係preparation courses,即係讀完對claims 呢行有冇幫助?