測量(GP, BS, QS)討論區


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行者無疆 2017-02-09 00:56:13
屌多D survey就岩


行者無疆 2017-02-09 01:00:03

呀professional 一粒聲都冇出過

assessor未必係 d committee, 學會d方向/內部政策佢都可能唔知
行者無疆 2017-02-09 01:08:44
屌多D survey就岩



唔係邊有咁多professional 肯做呀。d 咁pro 既野

第時可能見到有d卡片印住 BBA(mkt) mhkis
行者無疆 2017-02-09 01:11:54

呀professional 一粒聲都冇出過

assessor未必係 d committee, 學會d方向/內部政策佢都可能唔知

坐得broad 又唔代表要對學會好瞭解
要好pro 既。 識得睇人pro 唔pro 咪得lor

收完會費就飛上大陸同d乜9野造價工程師學會做互認, RICS呢D真正國際性學會又飛咗人
Screw_You 2017-02-09 06:55:46
想問下rlb開始in fresh grad未?


完啦吧如無意外 2017-02-09 07:08:25
想問下各位係大公司做site qs係咪真係無坐office咁好 將來有無機會接觸到關於cost, claim既野
Khwchan888 2017-02-09 08:34:21
Policy and direction of institutions are not the role of assessor. We are only responsible to ensure the candidates attained the required level before we recommend to the institutions to grant them the membership. It is inappropriate for us to comment on institution policies.

Whether UGC will cut the number of places in surveying is also not my concern. For such details it will be better to contact the UGC to seek your answers.
Khwchan888 2017-02-09 08:35:22
想問下各位係大公司做site qs係咪真係無坐office咁好 將來有無機會接觸到關於cost, claim既野

Not really, a lot of cost claims are performed on site under the guidance of office or external claim consultants.
行者無疆 2017-02-09 09:26:39
QSD Social Event [QSD­/S/201702] : Movie Sh­aring (Movie Name :Be­auty and the Beast (2­017))

行者無疆 2017-02-09 09:28:24
Policy and direction of institutions are not the role of assessor. We are only responsible to ensure the candidates attained the required level before we recommend to the institutions to grant them the membership. It is inappropriate for us to comment on institution policies.

Whether UGC will cut the number of places in surveying is also not my concern. For such details it will be better to contact the UGC to seek your answers.

呢度係討論區,緊係想聽你作為一個experienced professional 既個人意見啦。 要官方答案既話
我直情寫信去hkis 啦


we are公廁行業
Vulpixbb 2017-02-09 09:34:59
QSD Social Event [QSD­/S/201702] : Movie Sh­aring (Movie Name :Be­auty and the Beast (2­017))


laughed , 仲可以帶一位朋友一齊睇 不過收$85
Khwchan888 2017-02-09 09:38:45
Policy and direction of institutions are not the role of assessor. We are only responsible to ensure the candidates attained the required level before we recommend to the institutions to grant them the membership. It is inappropriate for us to comment on institution policies.

Whether UGC will cut the number of places in surveying is also not my concern. For such details it will be better to contact the UGC to seek your answers.

呢度係討論區,緊係想聽你作為一個experienced professional 既個人意見啦。 要官方答案既話
我直情寫信去hkis 啦


In my view which does not purport to be the position of the institutions, there are always different ways or routes to attain the chartered or professional membership. In the old days you only needed to attain HD or A-Level to be accepted as a student member then took various examinations until you attainted the professional grade. This has been changed. Now having a degree is needed before your can enrol as a student. I still remembered there was a lot of objections for that change at my times. Whether you consider such policy change is good or not is a matter of opinion and there is no right or wrong answer. Only time will tell. I think the institutions are trying to broaden the candidate base and make surveying an available option for more students.

Regarding to UGC policy, I think they regulate in view of anticipated future demand.

I do not think that surveying is a "sunset profession". However, it has to change to adapt to the changing world. Majority of technical work may or can be done by software but interpretation of contract, application of rules etc to name a few, can only be done by properly trained professionals.
Khwchan888 2017-02-09 09:42:52
QSD Social Event [QSD­/S/201702] : Movie Sh­aring (Movie Name :Be­auty and the Beast (2­017))


laughed , 仲可以帶一位朋友一齊睇 不過收$85

Social event is for networking which is important for a successful career. Although I seldom attend these events due to other commitments.
皇家太古城 2017-02-09 11:29:25
想入政府做GP , 係唔係只有讀書先入到?
有冇可能做住d 咩assistant 之類儲經驗?

同問 不過想問QS
汪阿蛆 2017-02-09 11:46:53
not accreditated degree係咪要3年先考到

Non accredited degree need to go through preliminary assessment if my recollection is correct.

如果我個degree淨係accreditated by pfmd
咁我想考gp/pd既話係咪都當not accreditated

Khwchan888 2017-02-09 12:24:57
想入政府做GP , 係唔係只有讀書先入到?
有冇可能做住d 咩assistant 之類儲經驗?

同問 不過想問QS

There are sometimes RSS position for AQS.
行屍走肉窮一世 2017-02-09 12:44:30
想入政府做GP , 係唔係只有讀書先入到?
有冇可能做住d 咩assistant 之類儲經驗?

同問 不過想問QS

有學徙制 人工10000左右 幫你交埋學費
返ive 大約2-4年升AQS
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞