本身亦都唔係讀gender studies
同佢本人響twitter / podcast度表達嘅立場
// 同埋支持佢呢啲論點嘅人都一直否定任何biological嘅argument,或者downplay成irrelavent//
Rafferty J, AAP COMMITTEE ON PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF CHILD AND FAMILY HEALTH, AAP COMMITTEE ON ADOLESCENCE, AAP SECTION ON LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER HEALTH AND WELLNESS. Ensuring Com- prehensive Care and Support for Transgender and Gender- Diverse Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics. 2018;142(4): e20182162
gender identity, gender expression, gender perception etc
如果你話gender identity的話
// This review of existing family and twin studies summarizes significant and consistent evidence for the role of innate genetic factors in the development of both cisgender and transgender identities, a negligible role for shared environ- mental factors, and a small potential role for unique envi- ronmental factors. Heritability estimates are consistent with other behavioral and personality traits, which generally fall in the range of 30−60%//
// “We know that there is a significant, durable biological underpinning to gender identity,” Dr. Safer said. “What we don’t know are all of the biological factors at play that explain gender identity. As far as we in the mainstream biological-medical community understand it in 2018, it is hard-wired, it is biological, it is not entirely hormonal, and we do not have identified genes, so we cannot specifically say it is genetic.” Are genes a factor? Genetics does play a role, though. In studies of twins, if one is transgender, the other is far more likely to also be transgender if they are identical, rather than fraternal twins.//
如果強調social construct
係咪講緊gender expression呢?