Include formal proof of identity from the person whose personal information it is. Acceptable proof of identify are:- a copy of the person's passport / driving licence / an original of a recent utility bill or bank statement. Upon receipt of the request, however, additional information or documents may be required according to the individuals circumstances, for example if there is a court order involved.
佢講到係要三樣定要一樣 定係全都要?
1. 宜家既passport (睇一樓google docs 理解到應該要每頁都scan?)
2.Driving licence
3. 正本電費單or bank statement (係想要address proof?)
想減低back and forth 通常佢會唔會request additional docs ?
E.g岀世紙 如果要我可以預先Attach 埋上去
P.s 多謝巴打你 好開心有一思生機可以申請BNO