睇嚟你唔知自己柒咗喺邊,仲要厚顏無恥想分析,請問「主流派」只係計white evangelicals?
就算我假定你啱呀,只計white evangelicals(which唔算主流,公教先係真正嘅主流),我個句「點知仲差過班無神論/教外人」用緊係「/」or符號,邏輯上依然成立。


Though white evangelicals have lower scores than Jews and atheists/agnostics overall, they do significantly better on questions about the Bible.
White evangelicals correctly answer an average of 5.1 out of seven Bible questions, compared with
4.4 among atheists and agnostics and 4.3 among Jews.
White mainline Protestants and Catholics answer an average of fewer than four Bible questions correctly (3.9 and 3.4, respectively). White Catholics score significantly higher than Latino Catholics on these items (3.8 correct on average among white Catholics vs. 2.4 correct among Latino Catholics).