Nizi Project討論區

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2020-04-17 11:46:45

韓國合宿及part2 Nina唱歌片段,下周預告!
2020-04-17 12:20:58
2020-04-17 13:10:16
11:21 Reason for Suzu's departure!
2020-04-17 15:29:25
2020-04-17 21:08:17
2020-04-17 21:13:07
佢訪問個look d 妝好似同其他member 同一set咁,其實係咪去左韓國先翻日本嫁?
2020-04-17 21:30:47
2020-04-17 21:35:07
2020-04-17 21:45:52
2020-04-17 21:53:25
2020-04-18 00:24:51
有冇正片睇? 唔想睇劇透
2020-04-18 10:55:34
2020-04-21 23:57:00
2020-04-22 00:03:08
2020-04-22 00:46:34
2020-04-22 16:40:15
2020-04-22 16:42:23
Youtube jyp entertainment channel (英文字幕)
2020-04-23 08:39:28
2020-04-23 13:43:19
2020-04-23 23:18:14
2020-04-23 23:56:13
2020-04-24 04:39:46
2020-04-24 08:48:19
5:12 JYP: Hmm, so this stage—well, I don’t know if it was this large/complete of a stage, but have you ever performed on a stage like this before? (T/N: JYP is more referring to the level/quality of the stage and not its physical size)

5:20 Rio: This is my first time on a stage this complete/a stage of this caliber.

5:32 JYP: The reason why I’m asking you this is because, uh, the way you’ve prepared yourself (T/N: talking about her outfit & make-up) and the way you’re standing on stage right now (T/N: talking about her stage presence, not her posture), you don’t look awkward at all (T/N: he means she looks very natural, I’m just trying to be accurate to his words here).

5:48 JYP: It looks like you’re standing there thinking to yourself “I was born to do this.” (T/N: He means she radiates self-confidence)

5:56 Rio: Thank you very much/TEXT: Rio was able to successfully show JYP her growth!

6:02 JYP: I really can’t critique your dancing, because… it was perfect.

6:15 Box Dude: Of course she’s crying (T/N: He means happy tears)/Yeah, I mean she’s been preparing 30 days for this stage!
6:19 TEXT: Unexpected tears fall from Rio’s eyes

6:22 JYP: You danced so well that I could convince myself that you’ve never danced Lock & Pop before (T/N: JYP means Rio was able to stop any of her old/bad dancing habits from creeping into her performance), your dance was perfect.

6:34 JYP: And better still, not only did you dance well, you danced like Rio (T/N: as in, Rio was able to demonstrate her individuality through the dance)

6:41 Box Dude: Wow, he’s piling on the praise!/Box Woman: I’m so happy for her!

6:45 JYP: But!

6:50 Box Dude: Of course… (T/N: Well, more like “It’s here,” like from Densha Otoko, if you’ve ever seen that J-Drama)

6:51 JYP: Your pitch is very unstable.
6:57 JYP: Were you able to feel this while singing? Yes? No?

7:00 Rio: Yes, I was aware.

7:02 JYP: Miss Rio--for your next evaluation, I am going to be focusing mainly on how much your vocals improved or not.

7:08 Rio: Yes, I understand. / JYP: Good work.

7:14 Box Dude: Yeah, it’s hard to nail everything right…
2020-04-24 08:49:19

Rough English translations as follows (Akari did not do well):

1:20 JYP: Ah... during the training camp (T/N: the one in Tokyo, not this one in Korea), I took into consideration the fact that you were hospitalized for a month and did not have the opportunity to practice, which is why--now that you're healthy, I was really looking forward to today's performance.

1:39 JYP: But you know... today is really no different from your original regional audition (T/N: JYP said the same thing to her in Tokyo, but took into consideration Akari's hospitalization when evaluating her, so Akari has no excuses now, meaning JYP didn't see any growth from her...)
2020-04-24 08:50:07

Rough English translations as follows (Miihi did great):

Lol, JYP vocal fry at 0:28

1:07 JYP: Whoa, it's over already?
1:31 JYP: Aww man, it was over so soon! Huehehehe.
1:37 JYP: Your dance was perfect, your singing was perfect, the way you expressed and conveyed your emotions... You were so good, I dunno whether to judge you against the standards of a trainee or that of a professional singer... you didn't seem like a trainee at all!
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