咁多位大佬,小弟係八月尾申請同寄左文件去,咁佢5/9就話收到,直到去星期一左右就話 Application processing,但岩岩收到email話佢搵唔到我Record當我新申請,叫我補返正本文件,同填番張form,但佢countersign又有啲唔太明。please ask the person who countersigned the application form to sign and date one of the photographs and to write deforming statement.....
As mentioned in the previous email, my passport expired and was damaged years ago. As I did not store my passport well, a young kid who is my relative took it from my unlocked drawer and scribbled on it using a pen. I stopped him as soon as I noticed his move. I regret for not keeping my passport well in a safe place. I hope you could help me renew it at your convenience.