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2017-06-13 18:33:45

tg ok?
tg: hihinike

無tg, 有咩係度問

唔講啦,OT 都幾例牌,平均1個鐘左右,但搞緊land bid又或者tender會chur 好多,凌晨先走一定試過,不過都唔係經常既

in 左一個星期多了


In 邊間,有機會幫你收到風,都識d人

華x係咪好惡做成日出post 請qs
d人被chur乾之後就走 所以又出又入?
2017-06-13 22:44:36

tg ok?
tg: hihinike

無tg, 有咩係度問

唔講啦,OT 都幾例牌,平均1個鐘左右,但搞緊land bid又或者tender會chur 好多,凌晨先走一定試過,不過都唔係經常既

in 左一個星期多了


In 邊間,有機會幫你收到風,都識d人

華x係咪好惡做成日出post 請qs
d人被chur乾之後就走 所以又出又入?

2017-06-13 22:45:56

tg ok?
tg: hihinike

無tg, 有咩係度問

唔講啦,OT 都幾例牌,平均1個鐘左右,但搞緊land bid又或者tender會chur 好多,凌晨先走一定試過,不過都唔係經常既

in 左一個星期多了


In 邊間,有機會幫你收到風,都識d人

華x係咪好惡做成日出post 請qs
d人被chur乾之後就走 所以又出又入?

2017-06-13 22:47:21

tg ok?
tg: hihinike

無tg, 有咩係度問

唔講啦,OT 都幾例牌,平均1個鐘左右,但搞緊land bid又或者tender會chur 好多,凌晨先走一定試過,不過都唔係經常既

in 左一個星期多了


In 邊間,有機會幫你收到風,都識d人

華x係咪好惡做成日出post 請qs
d人被chur乾之後就走 所以又出又入?

2017-06-13 22:49:32
讀緊surveying degree year 2
intern應該揾咩類型 mc/sc/consultant
2017-06-13 23:14:43

唔講啦,OT 都幾例牌,平均1個鐘左右,但搞緊land bid又或者tender會chur 好多,凌晨先走一定試過,不過都唔係經常既

in 左一個星期多了


In 邊間,有機會幫你收到風,都識d人

華x係咪好惡做成日出post 請qs
d人被chur乾之後就走 所以又出又入?


2017-06-14 11:26:42

唔講啦,OT 都幾例牌,平均1個鐘左右,但搞緊land bid又或者tender會chur 好多,凌晨先走一定試過,不過都唔係經常既

in 左一個星期多了


In 邊間,有機會幫你收到風,都識d人

華x係咪好惡做成日出post 請qs
d人被chur乾之後就走 所以又出又入?



2017-06-14 16:51:07



tg ok?
tg: hihinike

無tg, 有咩係度問


有牌起碼3xk ...
2017-06-14 17:57:25



tg ok?
tg: hihinike

無tg, 有咩係度問


有牌起碼3xk ...

2017-06-14 18:46:52
Increase Membership

The HKIS is preparing to expand its memb­ership base by invit­ing qualified profes­sionals and practiti­oners in the building and real estate in­dustries to become Affiliates. A forum was held on 24 May to outline the concept behind the Affiliate scheme. We will fi­rst consider surveyi­ng professionals from China who are unab­le to take part in our examination syste­m. This may create a good basis for a ne­twork of surveying professionals in China and facilitate par­tnering with the HKIS members practicing on the mainland. An EGM is scheduled for 20 June to amend the Constitution and By-laws. I strongly appeal to members to attend and vote as we need 100 members to constitute a quor­um.

Moreover, we will al­so explore and assess other possible mem­bership routes. We will look into cases where experienced pr­actitioners with qua­lifications equivale­nt to those held by our members were not previously able to obtain the HKIS memb­ership. The study sh­ould lead to proposa­ls being drafted for consultation later this year.

2017-06-14 20:15:26
Increase Membership

The HKIS is preparing to expand its memb­ership base by invit­ing qualified profes­sionals and practiti­oners in the building and real estate in­dustries to become Affiliates. A forum was held on 24 May to outline the concept behind the Affiliate scheme. We will fi­rst consider surveyi­ng professionals from China who are unab­le to take part in our examination syste­m. This may create a good basis for a ne­twork of surveying professionals in China and facilitate par­tnering with the HKIS members practicing on the mainland. An EGM is scheduled for 20 June to amend the Constitution and By-laws. I strongly appeal to members to attend and vote as we need 100 members to constitute a quor­um.

Moreover, we will al­so explore and assess other possible mem­bership routes. We will look into cases where experienced pr­actitioners with qua­lifications equivale­nt to those held by our members were not previously able to obtain the HKIS memb­ership. The study sh­ould lead to proposa­ls being drafted for consultation later this year.


2017-06-14 20:48:53
Increase Membership

The HKIS is preparing to expand its memb­ership base by invit­ing qualified profes­sionals and practiti­oners in the building and real estate in­dustries to become Affiliates. A forum was held on 24 May to outline the concept behind the Affiliate scheme. We will fi­rst consider surveyi­ng professionals from China who are unab­le to take part in our examination syste­m. This may create a good basis for a ne­twork of surveying professionals in China and facilitate par­tnering with the HKIS members practicing on the mainland. An EGM is scheduled for 20 June to amend the Constitution and By-laws. I strongly appeal to members to attend and vote as we need 100 members to constitute a quor­um.

Moreover, we will al­so explore and assess other possible mem­bership routes. We will look into cases where experienced pr­actitioners with qua­lifications equivale­nt to those held by our members were not previously able to obtain the HKIS memb­ership. The study sh­ould lead to proposa­ls being drafted for consultation later this year.



之前仲同RICS斷交, 所謂既專業人士
2017-06-14 21:07:44
Increase Membership

The HKIS is preparing to expand its memb­ership base by invit­ing qualified profes­sionals and practiti­oners in the building and real estate in­dustries to become Affiliates. A forum was held on 24 May to outline the concept behind the Affiliate scheme. We will fi­rst consider surveyi­ng professionals from China who are unab­le to take part in our examination syste­m. This may create a good basis for a ne­twork of surveying professionals in China and facilitate par­tnering with the HKIS members practicing on the mainland. An EGM is scheduled for 20 June to amend the Constitution and By-laws. I strongly appeal to members to attend and vote as we need 100 members to constitute a quor­um.

Moreover, we will al­so explore and assess other possible mem­bership routes. We will look into cases where experienced pr­actitioners with qua­lifications equivale­nt to those held by our members were not previously able to obtain the HKIS memb­ership. The study sh­ould lead to proposa­ls being drafted for consultation later this year.



之前仲同RICS斷交, 所謂既專業人士



List of HKIS Members Expunged for Non-Payment of Subscriptions 2016/2017

2017-06-14 21:12:50
Increase Membership

The HKIS is preparing to expand its memb­ership base by invit­ing qualified profes­sionals and practiti­oners in the building and real estate in­dustries to become Affiliates. A forum was held on 24 May to outline the concept behind the Affiliate scheme. We will fi­rst consider surveyi­ng professionals from China who are unab­le to take part in our examination syste­m. This may create a good basis for a ne­twork of surveying professionals in China and facilitate par­tnering with the HKIS members practicing on the mainland. An EGM is scheduled for 20 June to amend the Constitution and By-laws. I strongly appeal to members to attend and vote as we need 100 members to constitute a quor­um.

Moreover, we will al­so explore and assess other possible mem­bership routes. We will look into cases where experienced pr­actitioners with qua­lifications equivale­nt to those held by our members were not previously able to obtain the HKIS memb­ership. The study sh­ould lead to proposa­ls being drafted for consultation later this year.



之前仲同RICS斷交, 所謂既專業人士



List of HKIS Members Expunged for Non-Payment of Subscriptions 2016/2017

2017-06-14 23:38:11



tg ok?
tg: hihinike

無tg, 有咩係度問


有牌起碼3xk ...

QS 其實業主都唔係幾好做, 通常qs team唔會好多人,但要serve好多project
2017-06-14 23:49:17
Increase Membership

The HKIS is preparing to expand its memb­ership base by invit­ing qualified profes­sionals and practiti­oners in the building and real estate in­dustries to become Affiliates. A forum was held on 24 May to outline the concept behind the Affiliate scheme. We will fi­rst consider surveyi­ng professionals from China who are unab­le to take part in our examination syste­m. This may create a good basis for a ne­twork of surveying professionals in China and facilitate par­tnering with the HKIS members practicing on the mainland. An EGM is scheduled for 20 June to amend the Constitution and By-laws. I strongly appeal to members to attend and vote as we need 100 members to constitute a quor­um.

Moreover, we will al­so explore and assess other possible mem­bership routes. We will look into cases where experienced pr­actitioners with qua­lifications equivale­nt to those held by our members were not previously able to obtain the HKIS memb­ership. The study sh­ould lead to proposa­ls being drafted for consultation later this year.



之前仲同RICS斷交, 所謂既專業人士



List of HKIS Members Expunged for Non-Payment of Subscriptions 2016/2017


2017-06-14 23:52:07
Increase Membership

The HKIS is preparing to expand its memb­ership base by invit­ing qualified profes­sionals and practiti­oners in the building and real estate in­dustries to become Affiliates. A forum was held on 24 May to outline the concept behind the Affiliate scheme. We will fi­rst consider surveyi­ng professionals from China who are unab­le to take part in our examination syste­m. This may create a good basis for a ne­twork of surveying professionals in China and facilitate par­tnering with the HKIS members practicing on the mainland. An EGM is scheduled for 20 June to amend the Constitution and By-laws. I strongly appeal to members to attend and vote as we need 100 members to constitute a quor­um.

Moreover, we will al­so explore and assess other possible mem­bership routes. We will look into cases where experienced pr­actitioners with qua­lifications equivale­nt to those held by our members were not previously able to obtain the HKIS memb­ership. The study sh­ould lead to proposa­ls being drafted for consultation later this year.



之前仲同RICS斷交, 所謂既專業人士



List of HKIS Members Expunged for Non-Payment of Subscriptions 2016/2017



2017-06-15 13:32:52

2017-06-15 14:02:34


2017-06-15 14:15:02



2017-06-15 14:45:45
Increase Membership

The HKIS is preparing to expand its memb­ership base by invit­ing qualified profes­sionals and practiti­oners in the building and real estate in­dustries to become Affiliates. A forum was held on 24 May to outline the concept behind the Affiliate scheme. We will fi­rst consider surveyi­ng professionals from China who are unab­le to take part in our examination syste­m. This may create a good basis for a ne­twork of surveying professionals in China and facilitate par­tnering with the HKIS members practicing on the mainland. An EGM is scheduled for 20 June to amend the Constitution and By-laws. I strongly appeal to members to attend and vote as we need 100 members to constitute a quor­um.

Moreover, we will al­so explore and assess other possible mem­bership routes. We will look into cases where experienced pr­actitioners with qua­lifications equivale­nt to those held by our members were not previously able to obtain the HKIS memb­ership. The study sh­ould lead to proposa­ls being drafted for consultation later this year.



之前仲同RICS斷交, 所謂既專業人士



List of HKIS Members Expunged for Non-Payment of Subscriptions 2016/2017

2017-06-15 19:10:19
2017-06-15 22:40:39



2017-06-15 22:47:18
屌 早知唔報HKIS
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞