想問吓如果揀咗用paper form 係咪冇可能轉返用digital了?因為突然醒起原來有個朋友係住英國
本來打算sd email問 但搵好耐都唔知要sd去邊個email
希魔2019-08-05 19:30:44
奶到上大脾2019-08-05 19:33:24
應該係 直情係揸BC
但而家我撳咗paper form 係咪冇得返轉頭?
希魔2019-08-05 19:34:18
奶到上大脾2019-08-05 19:36:00
Log in咗 就係paper form嘅版面
“1. Ask someone to confirm your identity
The person confirming your identity needs to complete this form and give it back to you. Print the form:
single sided
on A4 or US letter sized paper
at its default size (sometimes called ‘no scaling’ or ‘100% scale’)
in either black and white or colour“