『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(24) 睇咗DOCS & BNO教學網站先好問嘢

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2018-10-12 22:38:59

The 1982 Immigration Ordinance

41. Under the 1982 Immigration Ordinance[56] a change in the status of a Hong Kong belonger was made by differentiating the status immediately before and on or after 1 January 1983. By section 2(1), a Hong Kong belonger was defined to mean a person who:

“(a) immediately before 1 January 1983 was-

(i) a British subject who was born in Hong Kong;

(ii) a British subject by naturalization in Hong Kong;

(iii) a British subject by registration in Hong Kong under section 7(2) of the British Nationality Act 1948;

(iv) a British subject married or who had been married to, or was a child of, a person mentioned in sub-paragraph (i), (ii) or (iii);

(b) on or after 1 January 1983 belongs to a class or description of persons mentioned in the First Schedule;”
香港本土人”(Hong Kong belonger) 在第2(1)條(釋義)中界定如下 ——""香港本土人”(Hong Kong belonger) 指 ——
(a)緊接1983年1月1日之前 ——
(b) 在1983年1月1日或之後屬附表一所指的人
2018-10-12 22:41:15

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EtiasEurope.eu is a private Website that provides the latest News and Information regarding travel to the Schengen area and information about the new European Commission's legislative proposal for an EU Travel and Information Authorisation System (ETIAS). Because of the nature of this topic and the continuous updates of the legislative initiative, we strongly suggest that all visitors get the latest updates on the official EU governative websites.
2018-10-13 00:56:11
2018-10-13 01:32:31
2018-10-13 03:51:22
2018-10-13 04:44:06
2018-10-13 08:49:15
1.Hong Kong belonger (同香港有聯繫既British subject,1983年改為BDTC)
2.Chinese resident (居港超過7年嘅華人)
3.resident United Kingdom belonger (居港超過7年同英國有聯繫既CUKC,1983年改為BC)


2018-10-13 09:26:50


2018-10-13 10:08:21
2018-10-13 11:32:02
2018-10-13 11:35:55
2018-10-13 12:21:37
2018-10-13 12:40:20
1. 總之不屬系統判斷為續領護照申請嘅話,declaration form就一定副署部份,而申請人就應該搵副署人填寫呢部份同係其中一張相上填寫指定句子同簽名

2. 但係當去到HMPO時,職員會以HMPO嘅審查標準黎判斷申請人係唔係有需要副署。所以點解最終有啲人即使declaration form無副署部份都被要求後補副署,或者份form有副署部份但係留空都無被要求後補嘅原因。

3. 我哋好耐以前有問過HMPO,佢哋有答過話搵唔到副署嘅話,可以先寄咗畀佢哋睇咗先,如果佢哋最終認為你嘅申請無副署需要,咁就唔會再搵你

4. 我就唔會建議啲揸住本過幾期十幾廿年護照但有意續領嘅人繼續等(咩等英鎊平啲、最近唔去旅行呢啲全部廢話),因為隨住護照過期時間愈長,只會導致你申請續領護照時需要額外提供更多文件證明同額外時間處理你嘅申請
2018-10-13 12:41:40
2018-10-13 13:08:30
2018-10-13 14:48:09

成班伸身黨問問問, 看完Doc不明先再問
2018-10-13 14:50:56
已經唔駛要佢睇返晒之前咁多個 post 啲 reply
頭 post 有齊 doc 同網站都唔睇
2018-10-13 18:47:57
2018-10-13 19:51:17
2018-10-13 21:45:01
The First Schedule was added to the Ordinance which further defined a Hong Kong belonger. The First Schedule read:
1. Any person who immediately before 1 January 1983 was a Hong Kong belonger.
2. Any person who is or becomes a British Dependent Territories citizen-
(a) under section 15(1)(b) or (2) of the 1981 Act;
(b) by naturalization in Hong Kong under section 18 of, and Schedule 1 to, the 1981 Act;
(c) by registration in Hong Kong under section 15(3) or (4), 17, 19, 21, 22 or 24 of, or paragraph 3, 4 or 5 of Schedule 2 to, the 1981 Act;
(d) under section 23(1), (3) or (4) of the 1981 Act.
3. Any person who is or becomes a British Dependent Territories citizen-
(a) by birth in Hong Kong under section 15(1)(a) of the 1981 Act;
(b) by descent under section 16 of the 1981 Act;
(c) under section 23(2) of the 1981 Act; or
(d) under paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 to the 1981 Act,
if that person’s father or mother or grandfather or grandmother has an appropriate qualifying connexion with Hong Kong.
4. Any person who is or becomes a British Dependent Territories citizen-
(a) by birth in any of the British Dependent Territories mentioned in Schedule 6 to the 1981 Act (other than Hong Kong) under section 15(1) of the 1981 Act; or
(b) by registration in any of the British Dependent Territories mentioned in Schedule 6 to the 1981 Act (other than Hong Kong under section 15(3) of the 1981 Act,
if that person’s father or mother has an appropriate qualifying connexion with Hong Kong or is or becomes settled in Hong Kong.
5. Any person who is or becomes a British Dependent Territories citizen by adoption in Hong Kong under section 15(5) of the 1981 Act if the adopter or, in the case of a joint adoption, one of the adopters, has an appropriate qualifying connexion with Hong Kong or is or becomes settled in Hong Kong on the date of the adoption order.
6. Any person who is or becomes a British Dependent Territories citizen by adoption in any of the British Dependent Territories mentioned in Schedule 6 to the 1981 Act (other than Hong Kong) under section 15(5) of the 1981 Act if the adopter or, in the case of a joint adoption, one of the adopters, has an appropriate qualifying connexion with Hong Kong or is or becomes settled in Hong Kong on the date of the adoption order.
7. Any woman who is or becomes a British Dependent Territories citizen by registration in Hong Kong under section 20 of the 1981 Act that woman’s husband has an appropriate qualifying connexion with Hong Kong.
8. Any person who is or becomes a British Dependent Territories citizen in any of the British Dependent Territories mentioned in Schedule 6 to the 1981 Act (other than Hong Kong) under any of the provisions of the 1981 Act and is or has been married to a person who has, or would if living have, an appropriate qualifying connexion with Hong Kong.
The references to-
(1) “a dependent territory”;
(2) “a dependent territory (no matter which)”;
(3) “any dependent territory”;
(4) “the dependent territory”;
(5) “any particular dependent territory”;
(6) “one and the same dependent territory (no matter which)”;
(7) “that territory”;
(8) “the last mentioned territory”;
(9) “the relevant territory”; and
(10) “the dependent territories”,
in the provisions of the 1981 Act which apply for the purposes of paragraphs 2 to 8 shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be construed as references to “Hong Kong”.
2018-10-13 21:45:41
A person shall be taken to have an appropriate qualifying connexion with Hong Kong if that person is or becomes a British Dependent Territories citizen or would have become such a citizen at 1 January 1983 but for that person’s death-
(a) by birth in Hong Kong;
(b) by adoption in Hong Kong;
(c) by naturalization in Hong Kong; or
(d) by registration in Hong Kong.”
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