Ratio如果講paper 2個人真係唔太建議底普通既同學投資,出section C就算5底都未必做得好,section A, B又唔見出得多(同埋有都唔係易,例如2017 gearing ratio, 要上面啱晒有會拎足果2分)
PF底一般既話要熟讀time value of money同mpf。Stock trading mc都簡單,又問得幾多。LQ就睇hkcee commerce. Consumer credit真係狗也不屌。Pesonal financial planning舊年出左LQ, 同埋都幾common sense, 略讀就ok.
daytona2018-04-20 01:36:26
daytona2018-04-20 01:45:42
如果將2012 Q8/Practice Paper 18濃縮做section B, 都可以玩多少少decision。
daytona2018-04-20 01:49:30
其實出係section A, B, C, 都係要咁溫。
如果好似cusis巴打咁話12+8, 兩邊都會唔夠分出得難,到時分唔到grade就大鑊。
放係section A, B就已經做到必答效果。
daytona2018-04-20 01:54:16
Practice Paper Q8*
女戰神周子瑜2018-04-20 08:09:42
Hi_Cusis2018-04-20 08:38:10
你回覆左咁多次都唔多問題問,凈係比個唔識既topic好難幫倒你;等於我話我考數學唔識sin cos tan, 個老師都唔知教我啲乜好
Hi_Cusis2018-04-20 08:40:33
Objectivity -
Accounting information and financial reporting should be independent and supported with unbiased evidence. (定義無past paper 參考)
例子:The valuation of a manager’s expertise should not be recorded in the books since the valuation is only a personal and subjective estimation. (PP.P2A.Q6(b))
Timeliness - Accounting information needs to be presented to users in time to fulfill their decision making needs. (無past paper 參考)
Example: A business discloses its financial information as soon as possible, so that it can be used by users for decision-making. (2017.P2A.Q1)
Hi_Cusis2018-04-20 08:42:14
PF底一般既話要熟讀time value of money同mpf。Stock trading mc都簡單,又問得幾多。LQ就睇hkcee commerce. Consumer credit真係狗也不屌。Pesonal financial planning舊年出左LQ, 同埋都幾common sense, 略讀就ok.