It violates Money measurement concept
It is because goodwill is an intangible assets and can’t be recorded in monetary terms and therefore it shouldn’t be recorded
三哥愛上譚仔2018-04-24 19:31:19
咁objectivity幾時用? 好似做過題recorded goodwill 10000 on the books as it revealed that its products were popular in the market 係objectivity
新垣結衣BB豬2018-04-24 19:32:53
我都唔知 用嚟用去都係money 反而objectivity3年嚟都冇用過
女戰神周子瑜2018-04-24 19:36:30
2013出過 ,係money measurement。
當年marking指出reputation唔可以expressed in terms of money,唔應該出現係books (除左purchase goodwill)