唔明2010hkale q3嗰題partnership
佢話又revaluate 但又record back to their original net book values 姐係點?好混亂
咪打丁啦你2018-04-21 15:07:53
利申: 16年Econ拎lv4
女戰神周子瑜2018-04-21 15:13:41
男人只是塵2018-04-21 15:17:57
仲有點解tim took over trade payable 唔係credit realisation (dse 唔係credit realisation 咩
女戰神周子瑜2018-04-21 15:24:40
正常會credit 比少左既錢(discount received )係realisation
男人只是塵2018-04-21 15:26:33
但係講明took over trade payable is a gain to realisation so need to credit ( textbook有講dse都好似有寫過
三十二絲2018-04-21 15:30:30
想問corporate governance洗唔洗考
當榴蓮遇上芒果2018-04-21 15:36:50
(冇記錯的話)正常得兩種情況會出現Dr T/P Cr Realisation:
1. Discounts Received
e.g. T/P amounted to $45,000. $1,000 discounts were received.
Double entries:
Dr T/P $45,000
Cr Bank $44,000
Cr Realisation $1,000
2. Partner(s) taking over an asset and personally responsible for paying liability
(Reference: 2002 CE Q7 item [iv])
e.g. NBV of motor vehicles was $100,000. Ann took over the motor vehicles for $25,000 but was also personally responsible for settling trade payables amounted to $55,000.
Double entries:
Dr Capital - Ann $25,000
Dr T/P $55,000
Cr Realisation $80,000