double entries to transfer the opening inventory to the trading account 點解係 Dr Profit and loss Cr Inventory 唔識做
新垣結衣BB豬2018-04-21 11:29:56
你trading ac 個opening inventory係要減出嚟 會令Gross profit decrease 所以要dr.P&L (我估)
女戰神周子瑜2018-04-21 12:00:57
被寵愛的熊貓2018-04-21 13:10:24
Osaka2018-04-21 13:17:28
Cost of goods sold=opening inventory+purchase-closing inventory
Cost of goods sold係同sales對應嘅expense黎,當你賣左一件貨,除左有嗰件貨嘅sales之外,會有嗰件貨嘅cost of goods sold,opening inventory係上年帶落黎嘅貨,會同purchase一齊賣出去,賣唔晒就會變成closing inventory,而closing inventory因為未賣出去,所以唔會變成cost of goods sold,所以條式係咁黎
Cost of goods sold係expense,會reduce net profit,當有opening inventory,cost of goods sold大左,所以會dr. P&L cr. inventory