In view of the above, Aeroflot PJSC does not carry nationals of third countries to Minsk if they do not have documents confirming their right to enter the Republic of Belarus, namely:
nationals of countries whose residents are required to obtain a visa to enter the Republic of Belarus if they do not have such documents (visas and residence permits of the Russian Federation do not grant the necessary rights);
nationals of countries whose residents are not formally required to obtain a visa to enter the Republic of Belarus if they proceed through international checkpoints (such nationals can only fly from Moscow to Minsk if they have a Belarusian visa or stamps from entering the territory of the Republic of Belarus through international checkpoints within the permitted visa-free period of stay in the Republic of Belarus).
留意紅色呢段括號:俄航只搭載持有有效白俄簽證或護照上有有效白俄入境印嘅第三國公民由莫斯科至明斯克。 換句話說,免簽證反而唔可以直接由莫斯科飛入明斯克,因為你唔會有白俄簽證,亦都不曾有白俄入境印。 就算香港肯放你上機去莫斯科,recheck in可能會有伏。 而且另一個問題係,就算你順利入到白俄,你護照上係俄羅斯入境印,到你離開白俄嘅時候,白俄移民官見唔到你有白俄入境印,到時放唔放你走,呢啲位你同佢舌劍唇槍都無用,有事發生可以好無助。