發現佢D point都係食西方keto/carnivore diet KOL 既2手飯
BTW, The Stone Age people died - in respect to present - very early. Poor hygiene, illnesses, bad nourishment and burden of labour lead to an average life expectancy of 20-25 years.
雞雞點啫2024-02-17 16:01:35
有碼加奈2024-02-17 16:05:57
熱血軒達臣2024-02-17 16:07:43
In the Stone Age, early humans ate raw meat, fish, nuts, seeds, and berries. The types of animals that were consumed include mammoths, rhinoceros, bears, wolves, elephants, and hyenas. Seafood was also common and included all types of fish, especially salmon, eel, whale, crab, and lobster.