移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 4

922 回覆
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2022-09-24 12:25:53
2022-09-24 12:31:39
I see. Take care Uncle.
2022-09-24 12:31:47
environmental charities?
pay or non pay position?
2022-09-24 12:36:47
2022-09-24 12:44:00
2022-09-24 12:55:02
Organizations are not easy to get in especially paid position.
Do you have a degree in this field?
2022-09-24 12:58:15
2022-09-24 13:14:27
Uncle, I am sure your good deeds have helped and inspired a lot of people!
2022-09-24 20:17:45
It didn't cost me anything to do whatever I did.
2022-09-24 21:37:25
Uncle, you have a big heart indeed!
2022-09-24 22:41:17
做咗三十幾年查稅, 遇過好多由香港嚟既人。 佢哋有高級稅務部門主管,會計部門頭頭。 全部都特別對我好好。有啲出名難應付既,都俾我攪掂。我講幾個馴狼記既經歷

"無得撈啦" 依家無咗既手機公司

The company's then tax manager was someone from HK. I spoke with the previous auditors on that file and all said he was the most un-coperative tax manager they have ever dealt with. The group had 5 companies (subsidiaries/affiliates) and the audit were at least 2 /3 years behind. We had to request waivers due to pending statute barred dates. My firstm order of business was to obtain waivers for all 5 companies. Normally, such request will be made when the audit was already in progress and the auditor thinks he/she require additional time that may go beyond the statute barred date.
I tried to make an appointment to meet with David (the manager) and he made all the excuses under the sun to delay the meeting. The statue barred date for the 5 companies were only 2 to 3 months away. My manager told me to prepare an arbitrary re-assessment proposal and put them through within 6 weeks to beat the statute barred date.

I called David (not answering) and told him my manager had told me to process the file within 6 weeks based on the information I have on hand (which were NONE). Arbitrary re-assessment is like dropping an atomic bomb. I can disallow anything on the financial statements. I had disallowed all the expenses on one of such re-assessment and increase the revenue 200% prior to that.

I think David realized what I was about to do and agreed to meet with me the next day. The meeting started off with a chill in the air. He was obviously upset about the potential atomic bomb. Then I asked him if he was from HK? He said he was borm there and immigrated to Canada after 1967.

跟住就開始講1967 暴動,土製菠蘿。。。。傾咗成個鐘。 跟住lunch time到, 佢力邀我去飲茶。

請注意, 連埋飲茶,傾咗成兩個幾鐘頭都未入正題。

返翻公司。 我同佢講我老細準備點炸彈。 我淨係奉命行示。

佢問我有無辦法拆彈。 我話一定要佢全力配合,我先可以要求老細暫時停手。
我俾出既條件係... 首先俾晒我所要既waivers, 然後俾我兩年時間追翻前幾年落後既audit.
He gladly agreed. I ended up spending 11 years to complete 23 years of audit years in five companies. I was given a pass to enter the company keys to my 6 filing cabinets,code for the photo copier and washroom.

David was the first tax manager with "無得撈啦" I dealt with. He was transferred to USA after three years. There were three more tax managers after David and I was the only person who knew where all the records were kept. I was given an office and 6 filing cabinets to store all the documents. I was also invited to their Christmas parties (at the office). Many staff thought I worked there. I had more senority than most of the accounting/tax dept staff there.
2022-09-25 17:35:14
uncle,想問下新落地開個TD saving checking account,但credit card走去開BMO咁樣得唔得架
2022-09-26 01:00:29
I have my banking with TD and my credit card is with CIBC
2022-10-06 17:57:18
Uncle 想問下tax 問題 🙏 我黎緊去美國 想攞埋mpf 去 但個process time 會係我落左地pr 埋過一個月先拎到 想問下咁樣withdrawal 係唔係要比tax 🥲同埋要比幾多 上網完全冇資料
2022-10-06 23:58:18
感謝 🙏withdrawal 而part 冇咩講 中間個d capital gain tax都明 似股票咁
2022-10-07 01:08:45
打去irs d hotline 有冇用?🤔定一定要搵cpa整 同埋係唔係好貴🤔
2022-10-07 02:07:46
IRS 客戶服務可以回答啲一般既問題, 你依個問題99.99999%無人識答。 你要揾啲有做經驗既。 你可以試下電郵我俾你啲link既律師詢問下。 佢或者會答覆你。 當然亦可能會有收費。 通常幾百到千幾, 好難估計。

2022-10-07 11:13:59
2022-10-07 12:15:59
如果佢唔報加拿大稅,佢會有多樣問題。 楓葉卡,第日入籍, 年度報稅。 稅局有辦法追查到當然係之後既事。 不過瞞稅會影響入籍或者PRstatus.
PR can not be a non-resident for tax purposes hence PR are taxed on world wide income.

Only a Canadian citizen can declare a non-resident for tax purposes.

Canadian resident taxpayers are taxable in Canada on their world-wide income. Foreign-source income may have already been subject to foreign taxes paid. Where this is the case, the taxpayer may be eligible for a deduction or a credit in respect to foreign business and non-business taxes paid. The tax credit or deduction can reduce the tax otherwise payable on that income to Nil, but can never be used to reduce the taxes payable on income NOT from that particular foreign jurisdiction.
Canadian residents are taxed on their worldwide income. What determines residency?
Residency is a question of fact that looks at a taxpayer’s mode of living to determine their economic allegiance. In addition to common-law factors that are considered when making residency determinations, tax treaties and deeming rules in the Income Tax Act have to be considered.

Generally, taxpayers may be resident in Canada for tax purposes if they:

Have permanent address in Canada;
Have a close relatives/immediate family in Canada;
Have Canadian bank accounts and credit cards, Canadian insurance, or a Canadian driver’s license; or
Make regular visits to Canada to visit immediate family.
No factor is determinative. What the courts are looking for is sufficient social and economic ties to Canada that justifies taxing that person’s world-wide income.
2022-10-07 12:26:23
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞