如果佢唔報加拿大稅,佢會有多樣問題。 楓葉卡,第日入籍, 年度報稅。 稅局有辦法追查到當然係之後既事。 不過瞞稅會影響入籍或者PRstatus.
PR can not be a non-resident for tax purposes hence PR are taxed on world wide income.
Only a Canadian citizen can declare a non-resident for tax purposes.
Canadian resident taxpayers are taxable in Canada on their world-wide income. Foreign-source income may have already been subject to foreign taxes paid. Where this is the case, the taxpayer may be eligible for a deduction or a credit in respect to foreign business and non-business taxes paid. The tax credit or deduction can reduce the tax otherwise payable on that income to Nil, but can never be used to reduce the taxes payable on income NOT from that particular foreign jurisdiction.
Canadian residents are taxed on their worldwide income. What determines residency?
Residency is a question of fact that looks at a taxpayer’s mode of living to determine their economic allegiance. In addition to common-law factors that are considered when making residency determinations, tax treaties and deeming rules in the Income Tax Act have to be considered.
Generally, taxpayers may be resident in Canada for tax purposes if they:
Have permanent address in Canada;
Have a close relatives/immediate family in Canada;
Have Canadian bank accounts and credit cards, Canadian insurance, or a Canadian driver’s license; or
Make regular visits to Canada to visit immediate family.
No factor is determinative. What the courts are looking for is sufficient social and economic ties to Canada that justifies taxing that person’s world-wide income.