移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 4

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2022-10-27 05:30:32
主要係 House/Townhouse, 大約 700-900k

之前息低但係樓價高,而家加息樓價跌返 d,條數唔識計
2022-10-27 05:31:37
講漏左,Markham / Richmond Hill
2022-10-27 06:21:08
2022-10-27 06:32:34
Just to give you an idea.
These houses may be a bit north for your price range

House price has drop over 205 in some area. A reccession is possible and price may fall further. But no one can really predict the bottom and peak. If you don't need mortgage to finance your home, then any market movement will not have an impact on you.


2022-10-27 07:50:56
明白,唔該 uncle
2022-10-27 07:54:19
Don't borrow to the limit if you have to finance your purchase.
2022-10-27 08:16:12
2022-10-27 08:38:07
如果攞按揭,通常係有term 既。 例如五年期。
到期要renew時,間屋要重新估價。如果間屋跌價, 咁銀行未必會可以借到你需要既額。 咁你就要揾錢嚟填返個氹。
例如 :

Purchase house 2022 $1,000,000
Bank finance 80% (max) 800,000
5 year term

Bank requested appraisal 2027 800,000
bank finance 80% (max) 640,000

Assume paid down principal is $50,000
You have to come up with 800,000-50,000
=750,000-640,000 or $110,000 or you face foreclosure.

Some houses have dropped around 20% since Feb 2022
2022-10-27 08:48:25
感激不盡 uncle
2022-10-27 08:55:51

good luck
2022-10-27 21:26:57
2022-10-27 23:57:22
That will be huge turn.
how old are you?
2022-10-28 17:49:51
2022-10-30 08:22:03

David Rosenberg: Canada's housing bubble has burst — now brace yourself for the economic hit
The upcoming recession could be deeper than what Bay Street folks are expecting
Canadian home prices are now down nine per cent from their peak en route to a 30 per cent or so decline, says David Rosenberg.
Canadian home prices are now down nine per cent from their peak en route to a 30 per cent or so decline, says David Rosenberg.

Canada’s housing bubble has burst. The MLS house price index is now down nine per cent from last February’s peak en route to a 30 per cent or so decline, which we view as consistent with deteriorating affordability and the uber-aggressive tightening of monetary policy by the Bank of Canada.
We estimate the negative wealth effect associated with such a price slump will pull down gross domestic (GDP) growth by about 2.5 percentage points. Add to this the deleveraging effect of higher interest rates on consumption and investment, and the hit to trade from the expected downturn in the United States and global economy, and it’s not difficult to see why Canada’s upcoming recession could be deeper than what Bay Street folks are expecting.

The last time all these factors were at play was the early 1990s, when Canada entered a Bank of Canada-induced recession

Individuals spend more when the value of their assets (for example, equities and houses) rises because they feel they are getting wealthier. This occurs through several channels: there is a behavioural aspect that translates into spending more of one’s earned disposable income, as well as an increase in credit access, a theme that has dominated in the face of persistently low borrowing costs over the past decade-plus. As homeowners continue to make regular payments on their mortgages, their credit scores improve, making them better candidates to pile on more debt.
But with the Bank of Canada’s overnight target rate having risen 350 basis points since March (with more to go), the theme of rising wealth is bound to fade as credit access dries up and real estate prices collapse. The MLS house price index is already down nine per cent from last February’s peak and the correction is far from over.

Households are being hit with a confluence of factors heading into this recession: rapid restrictions on credit access, higher debt-servicing costs on near-record-high household debt levels and inflation limiting disposable income. This is all being compounded by wealth depletion in both equity and residential markets, which also weigh on sentiment.

The last time all these factors were at play was the early 1990s, when Canada entered a Bank of Canada-induced recession and residential property prices fell by almost 30 per cent from their peak between 1989-1996.

This housing drawdown is just getting started

While consumption is set to slow because of the multitude of factors mentioned above, the wealth effect will also contribute negatively. If home prices end up falling 30 per cent from the peak — which we view as consistent with deteriorating affordability and the uber-aggressive tightening of monetary policy by the Bank of Canada — consumption would fall about five per cent (using the central bank’s estimate of nearly six cents per dollar of marginal propensity to consume due to changes in housing wealth), and this translates to a hit of roughly 2.5 percentage points to annual GDP growth.

Even if you assume Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. is right about a more modest 15-per-cent peak-to-trough decline in home prices, the GDP hit from the wealth effect will be around 1.3 percentage points, which is still significant. Worse, there is reason to believe the overall economic impacts will be further skewed to the downside, because this analysis does not even consider the deleveraging effects of higher interest rates on consumption and investment.
2022-10-30 20:21:40
hello uncle

來到canada 後才拎到mpf
是一定要俾tax 俾加拿大?


umcle 你話我知第幾個post 講過
2022-10-30 22:41:42
我loop 返晒你全部post
2022-10-30 23:55:15
早晨, 以前喺其他post答過。 我唔介意答多幾次。 但係我自己未真正做過/見過依類case. 我只可以base on reseach嚟回答你。

你幾時申請攞返晒MFP, 嚟加前或後?
如果係嚟加拿大前申請, 咁幾時approved?
如果嚟到加拿大之後先申請, 咁你入境時個MFP市值既資料?

MFP 有大約幾多錢?


I have been contributing to the pension scheme in Hong Kong, namely MPF. Is that taxable in Canada when I withdraw my MPF pension?​

a) Still a non-resident when MPF is withdrawn

If you are still a non-resident of Canada at the time of withdrawal of your MPF, it is NOT taxable in Canada. And for individuals who are immigrating to Canada, as well as for returning Canadians, the best option is to withdraw all your accrued benefits in your MPF account, if you can.

More details may be found "Early Withdrawal of MPF". ​

b) Resident status when MPF is withdrawn

If you are already a resident at the time your MPF is withdrawn or for some good reasons you could not withdraw your MPF before moving to Canada.

Note that Canadian residents are taxable, under subparagraph 56(1)(a)(i) of the Act, on pension benefits in the year of receipt. This applies to benefits from a foreign pension plan that are attributable to services rendered while the individual was not a resident of Canada. Therefore, the periodic amounts and the lump sum payment from the Hong Kong pension plan will be taxable in Canada. In this case, your MPF is taxable in the year it's withdrawn.

Reference: Canadian Tax Interpretation.​

Nevertheless, foreign pension plans that meets the criteria from 60(j)(i) can be transferred into an RRSP. The mechanism is that the lump sum is included as taxable income in the year it’s withdrawn from the foreign pension but, by depositing it to an RRSP, the person receives a deduction against the income inclusion. If your foreign pension is eligible and everything is done correctly, tax is deferred until the year(s) your RRSP is withdrawn.​

4. What about payments from annuities?

​As mentioned above, benefits from a foreign pension plan is taxable in the year of receipt. Therefore, yes, any payment from foreign annuities is taxable.
2022-10-31 00:30:38
2022-10-31 01:31:21
我唔清楚Calgary 啲例。 首先每棟大廈都有啲例去管制從外面睇到既地方。 外牆同露台應該係有某種管制。 至於准唔準裝貓網, 咁就先要問過業主間大廈准唔准養貓同埋裝貓網。


2022-10-31 03:29:34
2022-10-31 03:58:39
They know best.
My boots are free and covered by my health plan .

2022-10-31 04:11:37
You may be interested in this too

2022-10-31 05:06:44
Thanks uncle!
2022-10-31 05:22:57
2022-10-31 06:01:00

計劃4月中申請拎mpf, 未知批不批
如果批, 應該5月中可拎到

問題係而家似乎要拎到pr 卡or 有工作contract, 才拎到mpf

所以點都要為份mpf 俾tax?

入落rrsp , 我提取時點都要俾tax?
有無方法入境後拎mpf 又不用俾tax

mpf 大概13萬hkd
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞