移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 4

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2022-10-10 06:59:55
我想下一代英文係native(你當IELTS =7分), 想請教移民加拿大邊度有好既英語環境呢?
2022-10-10 07:10:58
我以前做查稅, 部門平均每小時捉一千蚊稅, 但係我三十幾年每小平均都五千以上。 其中一次係平均$2500 一分鐘。超過十五萬一小時, 總共超過七千萬。

一邊睇電視,一邊幫手答下嘢, 又可以睇下依家年青人既心態。又學到嘢。 都幾過癮吖
2022-10-10 07:14:22
你當IELTS =7分-唔識依個rating
2022-10-10 07:16:18
2022-10-10 07:24:38
佢哋有成班會計師同稅務律師幫手㗎。 有一次仲揾埋個法律學院既教授同我講合同法,一樣俾我打殘佢。 個合同係無咗其中一個主要元素Considerations. 嗰次捉咗百幾萬。
2022-10-10 07:33:50
2022-10-10 07:35:28
You want to be a pharmicist in Canada?
You have to get a degree in Pharmacy.
2022-10-10 07:38:26
2022-10-10 07:39:32
I am not sure if they admit foreign student
2022-10-10 07:40:07
What is your major NOW?
2022-10-10 07:41:32
2022-10-10 07:44:28

How to Become a Pharmacist in Canada
Special for PEBC candidates:
Our drug and therapeutic products are identified under Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada's (PEBC) reference listings as resources that are helpful in preparing for Pharmacist Evaluating Examination, Pharmacist Qualifying Exam Part I and may be provided as references in stations in Part II of the exam.

CPS Full Access combines all the content from our online drug and therapeutic products into one convenient resource along with other valuable external references. .

In order to become a licensed pharmacist in Canada, you need:

A bachelor's or doctor of pharmacy degree from one of 10 Canadian universities
To complete a national board examination through the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) (except Québec)
Practical experience through an apprenticeship/internship program
Fluency in English or French
The profession of pharmacy is regulated on a provincial and territorial level. The regulatory authorities are directly responsible for granting pharmacist licenses, assessing the competency of pharmacists and ensuring public safety. For a detailed look at the specific provincial licensing requirements in every province, visit the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA).

International Pharmacy Graduates (IPGs)
Enrolment in NAPRA’s Pharmacists’ Gateway Canada is a mandatory first step towards licensure in Canada for international pharmacy graduates (IPGs) in all provinces except Québec.

Pharmacists Gateway Canada (Gateway) provides a number of tools for IPGs, including a public website where IPGs can find everything required to better understand and navigate the Canadian licensure process. The Gateway provides access to clear and up-to-date information on the licensure requirements in every province and territory across Canada and is a confidential national document repository accessible to the candidate, the PEBC and the pharmacy regulatory authority.

For further information about bridging programs that help IPGs successfully complete the licensing requirements to practice pharmacy in Canada, several programs are available:

The International Pharmacy Graduate Program — Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Toronto in Toronto, ON
The Canadian Pharmacy Practice Programme — Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC
The International Pharmacy Bridging Program — Bredin Institute in Calgary, AB and Edmonton, AB
2022-10-10 14:46:25
2022-10-10 16:59:54
2022-10-10 23:39:00
你唔駛擔心佢啲英文。 翻咗daycare就好快學會。 依度乜嘢種族都有, 大人啲英文未必標準, 但係啲細路就好少有問題。 你應該睇下喺邊度做工然後揾屋,學校。
我啲細路都係讀公校。 我有好多朋友送啲細路讀私校,個圈子比較窄,接觸唔到社會各階層既細路,學費貴唔駛講,但係又唔見佢哋好得幾多。 上到大學, 根本就百川入海。到時要面對真實既社會就可能要學適應下。以上係我個人經驗,只可作參考。
2022-10-11 01:58:57
2022-10-11 02:00:44
2022-10-11 02:10:32
2022-10-11 02:17:23
2022-10-11 03:10:35
2022-10-14 20:53:46
Thank you for invitation. I left HK 48 years ago after 1967 Riots. I don't think I am one of your targeted subjects. However, I think the reasons for so many young and promosing individuals left HK are very obvious. 2019 may be one of the major reason but after July 1 ,2020 has to be the last straw that broke the camel's back. 2019 could have been resolved easily had 777 withdrew/cancelled the stupid proposed legislation on or before June 12, 2019.

As you know, after July 1, 2020, no one really wants to say the real/true reason(s) why they left HK for fear (threat) of prosecution by HK Black Dog anywhere in this Milky Way. Although we left HK, many of us still have relatives in HK and may want to visit them in the future. I don't think they want to risk being arrested at the airport because they told the REAL reason(s) in the interview

I donot trust the confidentiality of anything online and especially through hands of your students.

I am a retired tax specialist and I do tax consultations when I feel like it . My fee is at least $500 Canadian dollar per hour.

Thanks for the invitation.
2022-10-14 20:55:25
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞