移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 4

922 回覆
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2022-09-16 01:33:46
Thanks!! 應該會用下定速嗰個function 可能冇咁攰
2022-09-16 01:37:47
make sure you understand the speed control system.
2022-09-16 13:49:25
2022-09-17 21:37:25
下年會去Toronto 係邊到租屋係平得黎又近地鐵站/downtown?
2022-09-17 22:05:34

Theresa Tam

2022-09-17 22:07:40
2022-09-17 23:04:04
your budget?
share room, condo or apartment?
2022-09-17 23:05:59
2022-09-17 23:06:48
2022-09-17 23:44:07
I am looking for condo for 2 people
Budget around 2200-2400 per month
The main issue is we don't have a driving license
So I need to stay near the station until I get one
2022-09-18 01:21:18
One or two bedroom
2022-09-18 01:22:34
One bedroom
2022-09-18 06:05:25
2022-09-20 09:11:19
2022-09-20 09:22:35
My daughter went with them.
2022-09-20 09:28:27
Thank you uncle 🙏
2022-09-20 10:57:54
don't skip the class lessons. Having a certificate will give you a discount on insurance
2022-09-21 04:30:35
Uncle請問有無考CRA AU-04貼士?無加拿大稅但有香港稅同加拿大會計經驗會唔會畀考慮?
2022-09-21 04:33:52
AU 04 is pretty high level.
Do you have a CPA designation?
2022-09-21 04:37:01
Yes. I am a CPA Canada member.
2022-09-21 05:07:03
Can you tell me more about your background experience etc.
2022-09-21 05:14:01
It is very doubtful that you will be selected for an interview since you don't have any Canadian tax experience.
However, you have nothing to lose by applying.

A few AU-04 key activities include :

Identifies significant audit issues/concerns, prepares audit and risk management reports, and formulates plans and procedures to audit highly complex and sensitive corporate cases.
Conducts research surrounding the highly complex application of statutes administered by the CRA.
Reviews the work of junior team members.
Discusses proposed adjustments, penalty recommendations, and resolution of highly complex technical and significant audit issues with the taxpayers/representatives.
A few AU-04 key activities with managerial components include:

Managing and monitoring the activities of a team by establishing program objectives, staff requirements, time frames and quality standards for conducting audits of the large multi-divisional, national and/or international conglomerates.

Option 1: Experience Acquired Outside of the Canada Revenue Agency

Recent and significant* experience with large and/or complex** entities in public practice, industry or other (non-CRA) government bodies performing one or more of the following functions:

Conducting or managing audits in accordance with Canadian auditing standards or Internal Auditing Standards;
Preparation of corporate tax returns, which includes providing tax advice and interpretations related to complex issues under the Income Tax Act, Excise Tax Act, or other statutes administered by the CRA;
Preparing financial statements for large corporations in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP);
Conducting or managing forensic accounting or auditing
Conducting or managing criminal investigations
2022-09-21 05:14:53
Your best bet is AU01 and work your way up the ladder.
2022-09-21 05:38:37
Thanks. I will think about it as I have to take big pay cut for AU-01.
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