移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 4

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2023-01-03 12:16:19
good luck
2023-01-04 11:33:30
2023-01-04 11:48:12
I am not sure if you qualify since you said you were not a tax resident of Canada on Dec 1, 2021

Whenever tax department mentioned income , they normally refer to gross income because ex=veryone's net income is different.

I don't see any downside risk. But I am not sure if you meet the qualifications.

From the link you provided:
File a tax return even if you did not earn income in 2021
You can still apply for the one-time payment as long as you and your spouse or common-law partner file your 2021 tax return or statement of income before applications are closed. You will need to submit a tax return for 2021 even with no income to report. For information on how to file, go to: Get ready to do your taxes.

Generally, your return will be assessed within 2 weeks for electronically filed returns or 8 weeks for mailed returns.
If you were not a resident of Canada during 2021
If you have not yet done so, you will need to submit a statement of income before you apply:
2023-01-04 11:54:03
2023-01-04 11:55:31
when did you land?
2023-01-04 11:58:04
2023-01-04 12:02:38
2023-01-04 12:07:07
2023-01-04 12:11:05
You can try, I am not sure if you qualify.
2023-01-04 12:16:00
2023-01-04 12:16:51
Give it a try.
2023-01-04 14:15:00
2023-01-05 11:30:14
Hi Uncle, just had a thought after arriving here.
What do you think of the balance between integrating to the local Canadian community and maintaining our original culture and tradition? Seems not easy to do both.
2023-01-05 12:38:47
Just be yourself. Canada is multi-cultural. I was a civil servant for 35 years. I never felt I have to force myself to blend in. I always do what I feel comfortable. I would join my friend to lunch but not to a bar. (I don't drink). Just be yourself and don't force yourself to please others.
Welcome to Toronto (?).
2023-01-05 22:31:38
Thanks uncle!
2023-01-06 00:55:16
You can ask me if you have any other questions.
2023-01-06 12:54:51
thats a decent advise. first time i see people recommanding not to blend in
2023-01-06 13:21:33
2023-01-07 04:16:12
2023-01-09 18:07:58
你好uncle, 我係2022年到加拿大 (2022年12月31日未住夠183日), 如果我預計自己喺2023年唔會喺加拿大住夠183日

2023-01-09 22:39:04
what is your reason being here?
2023-01-10 00:15:06
Are u here as student or on work permit?
2023-01-10 11:22:03
2023-01-10 11:42:42
are you on student visa then?

Did you entered into a rental lease?
Do you have Ontario's driver's licence?
Do you have OHIP?
When did you come land in Canada?
What and where will you earn this "income"?
2023-01-10 11:54:27
1.Student Permit
6.可能係capital gain, 美國
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