移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 4

922 回覆
78 Like 18 Dislike
2022-10-17 20:22:00
加拿大真係好大㗎。 我嚟咗幾十年,都只係去過一少部分。真正認識既, 就寥寥可數
2022-10-17 20:27:58
2022-10-17 20:34:52
我好鍾意溫哥華㗎。 如果唔係怕有大地震, 我曾經想去定居添
2022-10-19 09:27:14
Hey Uncle, do you have some friends working in education field? As I’m a teaching assistant in secondary school now. Wanna to apply the same job in Toronto. So I’m so worried if I have little opportunity to work as a TA as well in Toronto. Would that be difficult to get a offer for HKers?

Also, do you know if that’s be hard to get a offer of a teacher diploma ?
2022-10-19 09:31:24
I am not familiar with this field
What was your education background?

2022-10-19 09:33:23
BA Hons with design field in the UK
2022-10-19 09:34:17
Wants to apply as an art teacher.
2022-10-19 09:37:00
我諗你好難做返teaching assistant。 你可能要讀個diploma之類。 有乜嘢其他興趣?
2022-10-19 12:44:50
2022-10-19 13:45:10
依個係溫哥華BCIT Medical imaging technology program 嘅link

Lots of work in the greater vancouver area

2022-10-19 20:53:59
But she had no science background.
2022-10-19 23:02:45
佢可以喺呢個link度問吓bcit個pre requisite

既然佢有呢一方面嘅興趣. 係一個好好嘅career path.人工高 Benefit好 四星期假期起錶 有extra退休金mpp 有好多學習嘅機會 唔需要擔心搵唔到工

2022-10-19 23:56:47
每年夠有幾千合資格既準醫科學生, 最後咪得一小部份入到。
依類醫療有關既program, 一樣係打崩頭。
2022-10-20 00:01:46
2022-10-20 00:06:43
Nothing to loose to give it a try. It is worth the try
2022-10-20 00:18:59
My daughter is a lawyer
What do you want to know.
2022-10-20 07:25:10

Thank you 🤝🏻
2022-10-20 07:51:36
Are you a lawyer or planning to study law in Toronto?
legal market 搵工現況 (搵工難度 and how’s the pay
most law student can land a job after called to the Bar
pay varies. average is about $100,000

同多唔多人落ny 做野instead- not that many
2022-10-20 11:30:14
2022-10-20 12:10:21
2022-10-20 12:20:55
2022-10-21 09:25:55
Sir. Could you give me some advice in personal income tax? I can't find a practical example on google. The situation is that both husband and wife are tax resident, while only one person has taxable income. e.g. for tax year 2022 on Line 23600, Husband net income = 150k, Wifie = 0.

How can this couple make full use of the Line 30300 spousal amount?

My interpretation is that the minimum of husband's tax = 44k (i just use a calculator for 150k income in ontario) - spousal amount tax credit $14,398 = 30k. So after tax, this couple has 120k.

Is that right?
2022-10-21 09:56:28
2022-10-21 10:03:54
I suggest you take it to a tax preparer
The tax you estimated is a bit low.
Do you have any kids?


What is the spouse or common-law partner amount?
SOLVED•by TurboTax•44•Updated 2 weeks ago
The spouse or common-law partner amount is a non-refundable tax credit meant to help families living in the same dwelling where one spouse is financially responsible for the other spouse.

You can claim this amount for the entire year, even if you met the eligibility requirements for only part of the year, if:

You supported your spouse or common-law partner at any time during the year, and
Their income was lower than your basic personal amount (or your basic personal amount plus $2,295 if your spouse or common-law partner was dependent on you because of a mental or physical impairment)
The maximum amounts you can claim for tax year 2022 are: $12,719 (for the 33% tax bracket) or $14,398 (for the 29% tax bracket). If you are also eligible for the Canada caregiver credit, those numbers would increase to $15,069 (for the 33% tax bracket) or $16,748 (for the 29% tax bracket), respectively. Find out more about these tax credit amounts on the CRA website.

You can't claim this credit if you're claiming the amount for an eligible dependent.


2022-10-21 14:40:19

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