移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 4

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2023-02-25 02:59:37
2023-02-25 03:07:31
Add up the interest actually PAID to you after you entered Canada.
Prorate the first month.
When you file your tax returns. Include the supporting bank statements showing interest earned and explain why you didn't get a T5 from the bank.
2023-02-25 03:13:04
okay thanks uncle
2023-02-25 03:43:44
2023-02-25 04:23:26
2023-02-25 04:57:58
The last time I prepared my own tax return was 1982.

If you can't provide supporting documents, then just put down interest with no T5. CRA will request details afterwards if they want.
2023-02-25 07:05:08
2023-02-25 07:06:12
2023-02-25 07:08:41
2023-02-25 07:09:54
2023-02-25 07:17:35
2023-02-25 07:20:50
2023-02-25 07:24:10
Did the bank remit withholding tax on your interest income?
2023-02-25 07:25:52
seem not…
2023-02-25 07:26:15
2023-02-25 07:27:35
2023-02-25 08:28:21
Taxing Canadian-source income
As a non-resident of Canada, you are subject to Canadian income tax on most Canadian-source income paid or credited to you during the year unless all or part of it is exempt under a tax treaty. Canada’s income tax system uses the following two methods to calculate the tax payable on Canadian-source income you receive.

Method 1 – Non-resident tax
Canadian financial institutions and other payers have to withhold non-resident tax at a rate of 25% on certain types of Canadian-source income they pay or credit to you as a non-resident of Canada. The most common types of income that could be subject to non-resident withholding tax include:

2023-02-25 08:32:07
2023-02-25 08:41:03
Canadian banks are required to make witholding on interest paid to non resident.
You were a non resident of Canada part of the time until you entered Canada. You didn't give your social insurance number to your bank and/or did not update your status with the bank after you entered Canada. I have to assume that if your bank had been withholding non resident tax all along, then, why would they stop doing that until you inform them your new status?
2023-02-25 08:45:17
2023-02-25 08:51:45
You have to find out how much withholding tax for each month ( if any) had been withheld first. Withholding tax paid on your behalf should be refunded to you if your income is below certain level.

However, since the amount of interest were not that material and the amount of taxes withheld may be 15% (HK has tax treaty with Canada).
Consider if the amount is material enough for you to persue further.
2023-02-25 08:56:04
2023-02-25 09:02:18
If the bank can provide documents showing withholding tax had been made on your behalf, then prorate the with holding and request a refund/ or as taxes installed when you file your T1. But the cost to do that by your accountant cost you more than the taxv refund.
2023-02-25 09:08:43
我都覺 所以我都諗緊點搞
2023-02-25 09:13:05
幾十蚊咪算啦。不過都可以問下匯豐有無同你扣咗non resident withholding tax and how much for each month?
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