移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 4

922 回覆
78 Like 18 Dislike
2022-09-03 03:39:39
You can call them if they take new patients.
2022-09-03 03:40:12
Still OK thanks
2022-09-03 08:12:56
2022-09-03 09:22:04
Ciao uncle
2022-09-03 09:42:03
how it is going?
2022-09-03 10:59:27
hi uncle. OWP啱啱落地住緊abnb. 之後租樓租邊度好 ?
2022-09-03 11:51:50
uncle 如果我家人本身係香港居民跟住攞左加拿大pr
跟住佢借我香港account 投資 去避稅
跟住我得閒就轉d 錢返去
咁係咪有問題 同埋係咪好易check 到
2022-09-03 11:56:29
What type of housing and your budget?
2022-09-03 12:03:06
假若你親戚成日收到由國外(HK) 匯錢。 稅務會懷疑依啲係佢哋喺海外既未報受入。


What is Electronic Funds Transfer Reporting?
International tax evasion and aggressive tax avoidance are costly to taxpayers worldwide, and are unfair to businesses and individuals who follow the rules. The Government is committed to growing Canada’s tax base by searching out tax cheats, while simultaneously lowering the tax burden for businesses and families.

Economic Action Plan 2013 introduced important new measures to combat international tax evasion and aggressive tax avoidance. These measures included the requirement for financial institutions to report international electronic funds transfers (EFTs) of $10,000 or more to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) beginning in January 2015. This information helps the CRA to identify taxpayers who may be participating in aggressive tax avoidance or who may be attempting to conceal income and assets offshore.

This new requirement to report to the CRA applies to the same financial intermediaries that are already reporting information on international EFTs to the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA). That means no added administrative burden or red tape.

What is considered an international electronic funds transfer?
An international electronic funds transfer means the transmission of instructions for the transfer of funds, other than the transfer of funds within Canada. This transmission can be done through any electronic, magnetic or optical device, telephone instrument or computer. In the case of Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication messages, only SWIFT MT 103 messages are included.

Reporting entities must report only EFTs of $10,000 or more. They must also report two or more EFTs of less than $10,000 each that are made within 24 consecutive hours by or on behalf of the same individual or entity when they total $10,000 or more, as these are considered to be a single transaction.

Which financial intermediaries are required to report electronic funds transfers to the CRA?
Financial intermediaries that must report are defined as “reporting entities” in the Income Tax Act (ITA). They include banks, credit unions, caisses populaires, trust and loan companies, money service businesses and casinos.
To find out more about who should report an electronic funds transfer to the CRA, go to Part XV.1 – Reporting of electronic funds transfer.
2022-09-03 17:52:51
2022-09-03 22:19:58
2022-09-04 00:11:25
2022-09-04 11:38:24
Hello Uncle,
想問下 我黎緊會飛加拿大 但頭一兩個月會留係溫哥華 先 之後先去多倫多搵野做
Sin卡 電話上台 可唔可以係溫哥華做左先定最好去到多倫多果邊先搞? 萬分感激
2022-09-04 11:50:14
Sin card is Canada wide. Apply it asap.

Ask your cell phone service provider when you get here

2022-09-04 12:04:54
2022-09-04 12:08:58
2022-09-04 14:42:04
2022-09-04 14:44:00
2022-09-04 21:14:56
2022-09-04 22:00:27
2022-09-04 22:03:02
Thank you uncle. 我再睇睇資料 感激
2022-09-04 22:22:51
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞