移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 4

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2023-09-10 06:58:18
2023-09-10 07:22:28
dress casually.
they want to know if you can lift certain weight,overtime ,weekend etc.

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Warehouse Worker Interview Questions
Whether you are preparing to interview a candidate or applying for a job, review our list of top Warehouse Worker interview questions and answers.

Do you have a process for handling lost or stolen inventory and shipments? See answer
How do you deal with heavy or bulky storage containers? See answer
What equipment certifications do you hold as a Warehouse Worker and have you ever had any accidents? See answer
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Warehouse Worker
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15 Warehouse Worker Interview Questions and Answers

Do you have a process for handling lost or stolen inventory and shipments?

You want to verify the candidate is familiar with procedures for tracking inventory and keeping items secure. Use this question to gauge experience. What to look for in an answer:

Experience with digital tracking methods
Procedures for lost inventory
Strategies to prevent theft
“I like using GPS and bar coding. GPS allows tracking of lost or stolen shipments, and bar coding into digital devices makes inventory easier to manage."


How do you deal with heavy or bulky storage containers?

The candidate should have a process for lifting cargo and transporting it within the warehouse. Procedures may differ, but you can use this question to test their health and safety practices. What to look for in an answer:

Ergonomically safe steps for lifting heavy containers
Adherence to industry safety guidelines
Organization and efficiency
“To manually lift heavy items, I use my legs. I bend from the knees and tighten my core muscles as to not stress my back and risk injury. I prefer a forklift for multiple containers and store packages in a cube pattern. I'm familiar with federal safety regulations. For instance, I know to stack lumber no higher than 4 metres for manual stacking and 6 metres when using a forklift. I always adhere to the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.”
2023-09-13 23:22:30
Uncle, 而家 Toronto 仲有冇山火? Hope you are ok.
2023-09-14 01:09:59
None to begin with.
Toronto has no hills.
2023-10-06 11:00:21
Thank you uncle
Fortunately I got my job
2023-10-06 12:23:56
Good for you.
2023-10-06 20:14:02

How are you?
2023-10-06 20:50:37
Same as b4. Doing R&M on my two cars every weekend.
2023-10-20 01:20:09
2023-10-20 04:15:09
Make sure you edit and correct the grammar etc. I don’t check them when I post here
1. What qualifications and skills are essential to be a successful tax auditor?
There are many different types of tax administered/collected by the various level of Government in Ontario. Most common types are Personal income tax, Corporations tax, Harmonized sales tax, Withholding tax, Customs and excise tax Employment health tax, Mining tax, Insurance tax, Motor fuel and tobacco tax etc. Some are administered by Federal Government and some such as Employment health tax, Insurance tax and Mining tax etc.

The basic qualifications for each type of tax are similar. Most entry level would require an accounting degree, diploma or certain accounting courses. Having some accounting or auditing background would be an asset. Certain position would require an accounting designation such as Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) or as a requirement for certain more senior level.

I was a Corporations tax auditor and I have an accounting designation when I join the audit section.

2. Tell me about your organizations work culture?

I was a field auditor and I spent 75% of the time on the field. I meet with my manager may be once a month. I don’t return the office unless there are meeting, training courses etc. I liaise with my manager mostly by phone. I have to train auditors and monitor their work. The audit team normally consist of 3 to 5 auditors and lead by a team leader. The manger would manage up to 4 teams. I will review all my auditors work and the proposed adjustments
The manager will have the final decision before the actual re-assessments. If taxpayer disagree with the proposed re- assessments, I will meet with them to clarify and the manager will come to the meeting upon request. Taxpayer can formally appeal the re-assessments to the Appeals department or to the Court . Some of my cases ended up in Court and I won all of them.

3. How did you break into this industry? What is your educational and professional background?

I was an accountant with an accounting firm. One of my client was audited by tax department. I befriended the tax auditor and he told me their department was hiring and he encouraged me to apply. I was working like 8am to 10pm. My wife was also an accountant with another accounting firm. Her hours was even worse, 7am to 11pm. I figure nothing can be worse than that, so I gave it a try. I ended up working there for 35 years. I have a B.A. from U of T and I went to New York to get an accounting degree and wrote the CPA examination. I also took the CICA In-depth tax courses. I have trained over one hundred auditors in my 35 years.

4. What do you find most challenging about your position as a government tax auditor?

Corporations tax Act normally have some changes each year from the Budget. Most changes are minor and some are pretty material. When files are selected for audit, we normally audit two to four previous years. Although we are auditing the same taxpayer, the Tax Act may be differ for certain years. As an auditor, I have to make sure the proper Act to apply for each year under audit.
2023-10-20 04:15:55
5. Could you share any memorable or interesting experience you have had as a tax auditor?

Actually there are two interesting experience worth mentioning. The first one related to question 4 above.
It was about the half year rule on capital cost allowance for newly acquired assets. The half year rule was effective for assets purchased after November 12, 1981. Taxpayer purchased over $10 million of depreciable assets during 1981. However, there was a change in control on October 31, 1981, therefore they have a short October 31, year end. The initial auditor disallowed 50% of the first year October 31, 1981 depreciation. The case had gone through Appeal and was ready to go to trial. In 1988, I went to audit the company’s 1985 to 1986 years . Taxpayer asked me should they start taking CCA assuming they will lose the case. I wasn’t aware of that case before that. I request to review the case. I found out the initial auditor, his manager and the Appeals office was wrong to even propose the re-assessment. Because the new rules did not apply to assets acquired prior to November 12, 1981.
I called the Appeals Officer and eventually stopped the case.

The other case was involved a very smart tax lawyer. Taxpayer’s tax lawyer was negotiating with a seller to buy their companies with over $40 million capital loss. The Act allows capital loss trading back then. The price on this capital loss was around fifteen cents per dollar of capital loss. The tax lawyer represented the buyer who had incurred about forty million of capital gain. They want to buy enough capital loss to wipe out the capital gain. Out of the blue, the government announced through the Notice of Ways and Means to stop allowing this practice. Capital loss acquired from un-related party after that day will no longer be allow to reduce capital gain. There was no effective specific time of that day. That means it can be 12 midnight of that day.

The tax lawyer and the seller knew that that capital loss will be worthless by the end of the day. So the buyer was really nervous and offered to drop the price to ten cents per dollar. The lawyer sent one of his staff to an affiliated law office in Calgary as soon as the new rules were announced. He then told the seller he has to locate his client for approval. He deliberately waited till 11:55 PM Toronto time to counter with an offer of five cents per dollar. The seller had no choice because after 5 minutes his capital loss will worth nothing to arm’s length party. Seller reluctantly agreed around 12:45 am. Then lawyer told them to fax the agreement to their affiliated office in Calgary. The agreement was dated 10:45pm Calgary time. I spent two weeks going through all the documents and correspondence etc and found nothing wrong.
2023-10-20 04:16:05
6. What does the future look like for the CPA profession?
The employment outlook will be good for CPA and accountants
Employment growth will lead to several new positions.
Several positions will become available due to retirements.
Accountants are employed in all industries with the leading share in accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping and payroll services
and government departments, Finance and insurance companies such as banks

The ongoing need for accounting and auditing services across businesses and departments should lead to relatively stable job prospects
Need for financial decision-making to support new markets and growth opportunities,, and regulatory oversight to help reduce financial risks

7. What do you do during a typical workday as a government tax auditor?
I spent most of the time on the field performing tax audit, visit my audit team members, meeting with taxpayers. I travelled out of town and USA for some audits.

8. What is your most enjoyable aspects?

I was assigned certain number of files to audit and a few audit team members. We normally perform certain larger files together. I was pretty flexible with my work time and I can take vacation or time off whenever I I want.

9. If you were starting again, would you do differently?

I don’t think so. I love the freedom. I can take care of my kids because my wife had crazy work time running her own accounting practice

10. What other advice do you have for a person considering this career?

You have to love what you are doing. The initial few years will be pretty tough. Most accounting firm have terrible busy tax seasons. You can expect a lot of over time from January to end of April. You have more choices after you get your CPA.
2023-10-20 11:51:23
Thank you so much uncle!!!
Your experience is so amazing and inspiring, I really learnt a lot from this detailed sharing
I hope one day I will be a successful CPA like you
Wish you all the best and stay healthy
2023-10-20 18:24:49
You are welcome.
2023-11-27 11:04:34
Uncle 最近點呀?
2023-11-27 11:09:23
same as usual. how about you/
2023-11-27 11:10:19
I am visiting my family in Vancouver now. So cold here! I know it is nothing compared to Toronto so I shouldn’t complain.
2023-11-27 11:12:23
Not the best time to visit Vancouver. Probably wet and cold.
how is your ear? still have bbb sound?
2023-11-27 11:16:17
Uncle, you have really good memory! Interestingly, I hear the buzzing sound less here in Vancouver! Maybe I should come back for good sooner. Thanks for asking after me.

Actually it doesn’t rain that much here these days compared to the past.
2023-11-27 12:19:58
Have fun
2023-11-27 13:20:11
Thank you Uncle
2023-11-27 13:29:00
I love Vancouver's summer.
2023-11-27 13:30:10
Yes, the summer here is nice indeed
2023-11-27 13:44:07
The last time I was there on business for 6 days. It rained for 5 1/2 days. The sun came out when I was waiting to board the homebound plane.
2023-11-28 12:44:54
有名大家叫 Raincouver

I hate driving in winter here as I can’t see the roads properly.
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞