移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 4

922 回覆
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2022-11-22 05:57:13
我只係單憑面相去睇佢依一兩既運程。十一超係1957 年十二月出世。 依家快到65歲。 我睇相係加埋佢未出世嗰十個月。 即係依家虛齡66. 面相流年部位係66歲。你睇下百歲流年圖。 66 部位係喺口角對下既左便。 十一超笑起上嚟。 嗰個位係歪同凹咗。 佢應該66 到68 都有好大件不如意既事。


2022-11-23 15:09:40
同埋想問下 加拿大主流係咪都係考cpa canada,如果考cpaa or acca ,係咪無咩用?
2022-11-23 21:05:18
Don't understand your question.
Ontario is CPA.
2022-11-23 22:48:44

同埋想問下 加拿大主流係咪都係考cpa canada,如果考cpaa or acca ,係咪無咩用?
What exactly is CPAA and ACCA?
2022-11-24 00:13:32
一個係澳洲 一個係英國
2022-11-24 00:25:28
CPA Ontario is the one
2022-11-24 00:35:41
Uncle 你好 想搭單問下
如果pass左CPA Ontario
2022-11-24 02:13:09
Transferring a Membership to Another Canadian CPA Body
As a CPA Ontario member, you can obtain membership in another province, territory or Bermuda. You are also permitted to hold multiple memberships simultaneously with CPA Ontario and any other Canadian CPA body.

This page details how you can obtain membership with another province, territory or Bermuda.

Membership transfer process
If you wish to become a member of another Canadian accounting body on the basis of your membership with CPA Ontario, you must remain a member in good standing with CPA Ontario while you apply.

You will need to reach out to the CPA body of your choosing to begin the process.

If the province or territory (or Bermuda) requires any forms to be completed by CPA Ontario, please email the forms to our team.

Note: Once you have been admitted to membership by the other province or territory (or Bermuda) your CPA Ontario membership remains unless you submit a resignation request through My Portal. If you do not submit a resignation request you must continue to meet all membership obligations in Ontario, including annual membership dues.

Resigning from CPA Ontario after membership transfer
If you wish to resign and maintain membership(s) outside of Ontario only, you must submit a Membership Resignation request to CPA Ontario through My Portal.

Do not resign from CPA Ontario until you have been admitted to membership in the other body.

Find out more details about resigning and its implications.
2022-11-24 02:14:16
Thanks uncle
2022-11-24 02:18:25
Are u in Toronto now or still up in HK?
2022-11-24 02:19:08
In Toronto and working in a cpa firm
2022-11-24 02:40:47
You have time to go online?
2022-11-24 03:01:30
2022-11-24 03:22:02
Just kidding
2022-11-29 21:14:36
Uncle , 想問下呢邊commercial banking(sme)嘅career path如何啊
2022-11-29 22:57:57
what designation /education do you have?
2022-12-05 01:10:25
2022-12-05 01:44:58
2022-12-05 02:41:37
Request to change the birthday. Make a copy and take it with you when you use your OHIP card. They may have to input the wrong birthday until the birthday has been updated.
2022-12-05 08:42:46
2022-12-05 09:20:11
Why don't you consider a College diploma instead?
I am not familiar with master program.
2022-12-05 11:30:10
2022-12-05 11:53:00
should be fine
2022-12-06 14:38:29
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