移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 4

922 回覆
78 Like 18 Dislike
2022-10-31 06:04:48
2022-10-31 06:06:41
2022-10-31 06:26:09

正如我講, 我無真正做個MFPwithdrawal. 我覺得無可能要打稅, 因為你供MFP嗰時都唔係加拿大稅務居民。試下盡量早啲申請攞返晒,最低限度可以證明你嚟加拿大之前已經申請咗攞返晒。 記住留低所有申請資料。 嗱, 如果係我既話, 得嗰二萬幾,我就唔Q報。

13/6 = $22,000. your tax rate is based on your income from other source for that year. But not sure if the full amount s taxable.
2022-10-31 08:46:12
飛天貓 即係跌出街
2022-10-31 10:11:34
thx uncle
2022-10-31 10:19:41
四十幾年前囉。 嗰時我哋養咗一對Turkish Angola兄弟。 鄰居養一隻Orange tabby。 我兩隻百厭仔成日車輪戰咁同隻Orange tabby 喺露台牆邊開片。後來鄰居話我兩隻貓打到佢隻貓跌落街。


我從來唔洗整貓網, 所以唔敢俾意見。 不過我好似無見過有人整嗰啲貓網

2022-10-31 10:27:08
uncle 我mpr大約40 萬hkd
你係專業人士 請問加拿大是否捉得好嚴
2022-10-31 10:29:53
don't worry too much.
2022-10-31 10:38:57
其實我唔明點解有啲site話要打稅。 因為你供款既時候都唔係加拿大稅務居民。 如果成為稅務居民之而每個月有pension income from MFP咁就話嗟。 你嚟咗加拿大之後都無再供款啦。 個MFP應該係你嚟加拿大之前既資產, 理論上應該係not subject to tax in Canada. 最好證明你未走前已經申請退款。

I will try to find out more about this issue
2022-10-31 12:47:20
thx uncle have a good day
2022-11-01 14:12:36
你d 貓貓個個都好大隻

咁住basement 穩陣d 至少唔洗擔心隻貓jump
2022-11-01 14:16:34
I have six cats sleeping with us.
5 cats on first floor
No cat in basement
2022-11-02 22:41:49
Hi uncle
請問呢邊asian易唔易做到model22歲 得5尺7寸想apply modelling agency
2022-11-02 22:50:02
Is it difficult to locate all 6 cats in the house?
2022-11-03 01:17:09
Boy or girl?
2022-11-03 01:17:28
11 cats
2022-11-03 01:28:38
2022-11-03 02:01:49
You can try but many are scams.
Will you consider doing something else or study?
2022-11-03 02:04:02
I want to apply to some legitimate modelling agencies in Toronto
Is it really hard for an asian girl to be a model here??
Yeah i will study a diploma course here
2022-11-03 02:10:12
They will sign you up and tell you to do a photo shoot (an appointed photographer and charge you $1,000) then they will send you to various screening. Most ended up with no jobs.
2022-11-03 04:11:17
2022-11-03 13:29:49
2022-11-03 21:33:06
2022-11-03 22:39:52
You may have to file T1135- a pain in the ass

regardless of 183 rule, you can be a tax resident of Canada

deductible expenses for stocker traders
If you’re a full-time day trader, you can also claim expenses related to your trading.

Just like with any other business, you need to have receipts for all the items you declare on your tax returns.

The CRA will not accept these kinds of deductions without receipts.

Deductions can include anything from taking stock market trading courses, to educational resources, the purchase of a computer, and your monthly internet bill.
2022-11-04 03:09:30
感謝 研下先
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞