If all your assets outside Cansfa exceeded $100,000 Cnd then you have to report them on T1135 when you file your personal tax returns.
Withdrawal of MPF after you landed may have tax issues.
243256576582022-11-16 00:12:41
Thank you! That mean I dont hv to report
CNTower2022-11-16 00:21:08
If you don't meet the $100,000 non-Canadian assets threshold, including foreign stocks such as USA and HK stocks, cash in foreign bank, property etc.
I can't tell about your situation because I have no access to all information. However, any distribution from MFP must be reported on your income tax returns.
243256576582022-11-16 09:52:12
我所有資產加埋都一定唔會去到果個數㗎啦sorry唔係好明distribution from MPF即係點,我唔理佢係咪都要報?唔供亦都唔拎咁
CNTower2022-11-16 10:18:37
Distribution is when MFP pays you. Withdrawal is when you take all money out. Yo have to report either transaction.
243256576582022-11-16 10:22:48
Got it!Thank you so much
CNTower2022-11-16 10:24:38
You should seek professional advice when you file your first tax returns.