移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 4

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2022-12-09 10:01:34
She should cancel all that before she left.

Her health card is still VALID. She must have renewed her driver's licence more than once and she must have LIED on the renew form to put down an address in the Province that she didn't really reside.

What is the address for her bank account? Is it the same address as shown on her driver's licence?

My wife had advised her client to cancel their health card, driver's licence, bank accounts (with some exceptions)There are certain ways to handle assets and property left in Canada. Her clients will stay in a hotel/motel whenever they returned to Canada and kept all hotal receipts. Some may have to file NR4 tax returns every year because of their rental property.

The consultation is about an hour but will save a lot of hazzle.
2022-12-10 09:42:43
2022-12-13 23:20:44
2022-12-13 23:57:01
It is illegal if employer does not issue T4 in this case.

What you should do is to keep all payroll slips as your record. In the event that your employer does not issue a T4 to you on or before last day of February of next year, you can call them to find out or file your personal income tax returns using these payroll records. Personal income tax filing deadline is normally the last day of April and may extend one or two days if April 30 falls on a holiday/weekend.
2022-12-14 01:28:40
2022-12-14 02:15:15
2022-12-14 03:08:48
No question is on9


If you are a first time filer, you will need to file a return and receive a NOA from the CRA to register for My Account. This will allow us to validate your identity.
NOA is Notice of Assessment

You should request to erase all previous credit issues that were not yours
2022-12-17 16:05:13
2022-12-24 01:23:29
2022-12-24 01:46:49
It depends. Some may and some may not.
My daughter got a $20.000 bonus last year and the net was under $10,000.

If they tell you the bonus is $1,000 and your net is lower, then most likely payroll taxes had been deducted. If you get $1 000, then you probably get gross. The $1 000 will be added to your total income and taxes will be calculated when you file the tax returns next year.
Some company many offer gift cards. That will be another issue.
2022-12-24 01:53:22
2022-12-24 01:54:51
Her marginal tax rate is 53.5%
2022-12-24 02:07:19
Her tax was about $10,700. Net was $9300.
2022-12-24 02:08:30
2022-12-24 02:31:57
you too
2022-12-26 01:46:59
Hi uncle,

I am working in pwc hong kong with 3 year experience and i got cpa in hkicpa.
I am going to Toronto in April, how do you think the job market for accountant recently?
2022-12-26 01:54:22
Accountant is always in demand.
Can you request an internal transfer?

You should find out how you can the CPA licence in Ontario.
2022-12-26 02:19:38
thank you very much for your reply

I dont think hr or partner in hk help me process the internal transfer as hk is very very lack of people.

but I may not go for pwc canada, I saw some comment in glassdor, the situation in pwc toronto is very chaotic too.
2022-12-26 02:22:35
I am aiming for a job with 60k per year haha, hope it is not that difficult
2022-12-26 03:54:36
Get the Ontario CPA first.
Yin can apply directly to PWC Canada or any of the big 4 and see.
2023-01-03 10:02:17
2023-01-03 10:46:36
依家去度假既, 除咗酒店, 仲有好多唔同既選擇。商業trip都因為zoom 而減少。喺北美依度,好多普通家庭去玩,都會選擇比較平既motel. 讀得酒店管理,唔通走去做motel 咩。 不過如果你諗住返HK,咁我就唔知囉
2023-01-03 11:31:58
Thank you
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