移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 4

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2022-09-21 07:28:22
你可以考慮AU03。 因為AU03有請過CRA以外既人。 不過就算係AU01, 以你既工作經驗, 應該升得幾快。
你需要比較工時就業保障等等。 CRA應該非常穩定, 其他就可能要承受市場起跌同會計依行通常加時多多。

我見過好多大公司稅務或者會計部門既管理級人員俾人炒。 多數係做咗十幾廿年。 有一個差三年就退休另一個啱啱轉咗工,結咗婚,買埋屋,孭住房按揭。 見佢日日愁眉苦面。 最後我幫晒依兩個解圍。
有興趣聽既, 我至講啦.
2022-09-21 19:05:45
Hello uncle,我出年11月會嚟toronto依家係香港big4做一年打算儲下經驗同錢,因為都希望遲啲可以過到嚟搵返本行我知道自己下一年都會離開香港所以冇揀到hkicpa而係揀咗cpaa,因為cpaa係toronto有得繼續考落去但係依家發現其實cpaa好似係依邊都無用搞到依家有少少confuse,唔知點樣做先對自己嘅career path最好祝uncle生活愉快
2022-09-21 20:00:45
Contact CPA Ontario and find out what you have to do to get a CPA in Ontario.

Does your firm know you are planning to move to Canada? Find ot if there are any chance for an internal transfer. You may also condisder contacting your firm's Canadian office and see if they are able to offer you a position.

通常啲大行都係由畢業生開始入職,然後一步步升上去。 好多攞咗牌(或者肥咗)就搵其他工作。 好少喺外邊請未有牌得一,兩年經驗既staff.
你要睇下點樣先可以攞到依度既牌。可以睇埋其他省既要求。 因為每個省都有啲唔同。 但係任何一個省既牌都可以互通。



2022-09-21 22:41:27
It was over 20 years ago.

I have to auidt a public company ABC that was bought by another public company XYZ.
ABC used to have offices in a few Provinces. Due to its size,ABC has been tax audited every year. The Assitant to VP Taxation (John) wanted to clean up all tax audit issues within a year. He gave the senior Tax manager (Don) of ABC a year to do so. I find that after I commenced the audit.
I was met with the Assistant and Don on the initial meeting. Joihn stressed that he had no knowledge of ABC's tax matters and all inquiries should be directed to Don then he left the meeting.
I noticed Don looked worrisome. I later find out that he was an avid fisherman like myself. Our conversion lead to his position in the new company. He reluctantly told me he was given a year contact to clean up the tax audit and he will be without a job. He was three years away from retirement and his youngest daughter was just admitted to law school. He needed a job for at least another three years. He had applied tp over twenty position but heard nothing back.

I told him I can drag the audit for at least two years and I neeed his assistance. He said he will do everything as long as it is not against any rules etc. I told him to give me a list of all the documents that are stored outside the Province and will take a long time to retrive.

After reviewing the initial documents, I submit a list of twenty two pages of information request. Many requests were documents stored outside the Provinces. I presented the list to Don and John and gave them 4 weeks to prepare the documents for review. I told to give me at least two week's notice in case they need more time to gather the documents.

John called me a week later requesting delay for another 2 months because most of the documents were stored in another province. They need additional time to retrive and review them. I told him I a was scheduled for another audit during that time frame. The only time I can reschedule was six months later. Either that or stick with the original date. John agreed. Don called me the next day and told me John had extended his contact by another 6 months. I told him that was just a start.
6 months later, I spent two weeks to review a portion of the documents and give them another list of information request. This time I gave them another 4 weeks to provide the documents. This time around, John looked worrisome. He asked me how long will I take to complete the audit?
I told me it all depended on how soon can they provide me with the information requested and what issues I have to follow up. ABC will be rolled into XYZ company and that was the last chance to audit ABC. I msut make sure I didn't leave any issues outstanding. I told him I am not able to predict how long the audit will take but I had similar cases that lasted over two three years.

Three days later, john called me again to ask for another 2 months delay. I told him I had no issue with further delay, but I had booked a four weeks vaction and two more audits after that. The earlierst I could return was 5 months later. He accepted. Three weeks later, Don called and asked me to go out for lunch. We went to a restaurant near my home. He told me their company had a restructure. John was promoted to VP of Taxation. His boss was moved to CFO. He got his old job back as senior Tax manager and got a big raise. He thanked me for everything. He wanted to know if I am interested to be their tax manager. The pay will be 40% higher than what I was getting. I gracefully declined. I told him I only worked about 20 hours a week (it was consided long back then, I later improved to about 10 hours) and I was not able to work 40 to 50 hours a week another more. We both laughed. We went to a few fishing trips after that. he was promoted to VP taxation three years later.

The other story was about a young female tax manager.
2022-09-22 00:22:05
想聽 Uncle 講多d 故事!
2022-09-22 06:06:28
Thanks for your advice and stories! They are very helpful. To add to your point, I also find the defined benefit pension plan provided by the government very attractive. It adds huge security for retirement!
2022-09-22 06:48:13
睇長遠啲。 打政府工係唔會發達, 但係好穩定。 做夠就有退休金同醫療保險。首先要入咗去學嘢,成日都有courses免費進修。 好多時都有升級試。 以你既經驗, 可能升得好快。
我訓練過既好多已經係AU04,AU05. 有一個退休咗既AU06. 添
2022-09-22 08:31:33
2022-09-22 09:26:38
I was assigned to audit a company(special industry with not too many companies- won't disclose here because that industry (行頭好窄, 又係受聯邦政府監管)
The company was sold to a foreign company in the same industry and wanted the tax department to do a quick and dirty audit so that they can disslove the company and distribute the remaining aseests to shareholders. was dealing with 2 tax managers. One for the company about to disslove and the other is the one that purchased the old company. The girl ( Betty)in this story is a new manager for the new company. Betty was a manager in tax section with Big 8 (now Big 4)specialising in that particular industry. She just got married, bought a house (have mortgage). Her husband was an engineer. She was so thrilled to get this job and was prepared for a bright career with that company. She had known her in another audit when she was helping her firm's client (same industry) to provide me with information I requested.
She was very co-operative and that audit was completed with not much issues.
About five months into the audit (that audit lasted over 2 years), I accidentally saw Betty was crying in her office. I was going to ask her a few quesions and I turned around immediately. She must have noticed me and came to my desk later and asked me was there anything I wanted from her. Her eyes were noticeably red. She apologized. I asked her was there anything I can do ? She told me the VP of Taxation her employment contract will not be renewed and she will be without a job in three months. She was afraid she will not be able to find another job in that industry. I was a bit shock and couldn't undersand why that happened. Two weeks later, th enews broke. The company was bought out by another Company 9same industry) headquartered in BC. The Toronto office will be closed. The company that Betty worked for ran the business for 11 months and sold it to another company. (both with foreign parent company).

At the same time, I was also auditing another company in the same industry up in Markham. That company didnot have a tax manager. Their tax returns was prepared by their external auditor. I had given a huge list of information request to the VP Finance and Controller and they had no idea how to deal with my information request. I was on the blink to arbitrarily re-assess based on whatever I have (over $5 million in taxes). The VP Finance sat down with me and told me he was unable to find any tax specialist in their industry to handle the audit.They were get the approval to operated in that industry just three years ago and their tax tax manger quitted just six months ago. His controller was not a tax specialist in that industry. He has requested the help from an employemnt agency but they told him there are no tax specialist in that industry looking for a job. I asked him to provide me the contact inforamtion of employment agency and the person he was dealing with.
He obviously knew what I was going to do and gave me the information.

Within an hour, I called up Betty and told her to contact the Employment agency. Within three weeks, teh VP Finance called me and told me I can resume the audit. they have hired a new Tax manager called Betty.
He then handed the phone over to Betty. Betty requested a few weeks delay until she had a chance to go over some documents. Of Course I was OK with that. The audit ended up with a minor adjustments and I credited that to Betty's co-operation in front of the VP Finance. (She got a big bonus and insisted on buying me lunch) It was a big relief from a potential $5 million re-assessments. She was promoted to VP taxation 5 years later and had 2 kids.

By the way, her newly bought house was in Markham too. She can drive to work with free parking in 15 minutes instead of parking the car at Finch Station and take the subway to Osgoode station every day.

If you guessed which industry, please try to hold it to yourself because
2022-09-24 00:54:46
Yes, 睇咗兩次醫生 already

Anyway, 多謝 Uncle 關心!
2022-09-24 01:09:48
2022-09-24 01:16:33
yes, 瞓唔到覺
2022-09-24 11:51:09
Thank you Uncle! I will have a look!
2022-09-24 11:57:26
2022-09-24 12:02:30
2022-09-24 12:02:54
Oh, why? So I assume you had a surgery!
2022-09-24 12:15:17
I had surgery on my left year 46 years ago. I don't want to have surgery on my right ear. I will wait since I can still hear now. Wuhan virus has pushed back a lot of elective surgeries.
2022-09-24 12:19:42
Were you able to see a specialist these days?
2022-09-24 12:23:04
正牌可以當一年 唔洗td320
2022-09-24 12:23:52
我46年前考牌, 依家啲例唔熟。
我個女考牌好似六。七百蚊。 不過佢自己加多十幾個鐘。 差唔多過千。

I have a driver's licence from another country. How do I get an Ontario driver's licence?
You may be able to exchange it for an Ontario driver's licence. The type of licence you can get depends on how much driving experience you have and if the country has a reciprocal agreement with Ontario.

In some cases, you may have to go through the graduated licensing system.

Countries With a Reciprocal Agreement
Some countries, like the United States, Australia, France and Korea, have an agreement with Ontario which allows licensed drivers to obtain an Ontario licence without having to go through the regular process for obtaining a licence in this province.

If you have a driver's licence from one of these jurisdictions with Licence Exchange Agreement, you can benefit from this privilege.

The type of licence you can get depends on how much driving experience you have. You follow the same process as drivers with a licence from another Canadian province and from Canadian Forces - Europe.

Read about the Licence Exchange program on the DriveTest website to learn more about the process and the documents required.

Countries With No Agreement
If your licence is from a country that is not in the list above, you must present official, written confirmation of your driving experience.

Written confirmation is an original letter from the original licensing agency (such as the ministry of transportation in your country or state), or from the Embassy, Consulate, or High Commissioner's offices representing the country.

The letter must be:

Written on official letterhead
Written in English or French - If it is written in another language, you must submit a letter of translation from a qualified translator.
Dated - It cannot be more than 6 months old.
This letter must include information about:

The date first licensed
Licence expiry date
Class of licence
That the licence was valid for the relevant period of time for the purposes of exchange and experience
If this information is not included, it may delay the processing of your licence exchange. Find more information about the requirements on the DriveTest website.

The type of licence you get depends on how much driving experience you have.

Less than 12 Months of Driving Experience in the Last 3 Years
You are in the graduated licensing system. You have to get 12 months of driving experience before you can take the G1 road test.

Read detailed information for out-of-country drivers on the DriveTest website.

12-24 Months of Driving Experience in the Last 3 Years
You are in the graduated licensing system. You can take the G1 road test immediately. If you pass this test, you get a G2 licence.

You must get written confirmation of your foreign driving experience.

If the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) recognizes your driving experience, you can use this time towards the 12-month waiting period for the G2 road test.

Read detailed information for out-of-country drivers on the DriveTest website.

24 Months or More of Driving Experience in the Last 3 Years
You must get written confirmation of your foreign driving experience.

You can take the G1 or G2 road test immediately. If you pass, you will get the next licence in the graduated licensing system. For example, if you pass the G1 test, you will get a G2 licence. If you pass the G2 test, you will get a G licence. The G licence is a full driver's licence.

Read detailed information for out-of-country drivers on the DriveTest website.

Apply as a New Driver
You can also choose to apply for an Ontario driver's licence as a new driver. You will have to follow the process for new drivers, including the graduated licensing system.

2022-09-24 12:25:02
yes, but I don't want to take a risk at the hospital.
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞