移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 4

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2022-10-21 18:37:59
Without any other deduction, your calculator says 48k tax.

Since spouse amount is a tax credit, it reduces the 48k tax, i.e. makes it ~35k. Its not reducing 150k income (making it ~137k). Am i right?
2022-10-21 20:41:33
我三年無去過釣魚,出街食飯啦。 日日要煮飯,接送老婆。邊有時間去吖
2022-10-21 20:45:29

Spouse or Common-Law Partner
If you are married or in a common-law relationship, you may be able to claim a spousal tax credit for federal purposes. For example, in 2021, you could claim a spousal tax credit if your spouse earned less than $13,808.

How is the spousal tax credit calculated?
Using the 2021 example above, the spousal tax credit is calculated by subtracting your partner’s net income from $13,808 and multiplying the remainder by 15%, which works out to a maximum of $2,071 ($13,808 x 15%).

If your spouse earned $5,000, this would mean you would be eligible for tax savings of $1,321.
2022-10-21 21:47:10
Thanks uncle! Well thats so little of tax saving....
The 0 income spouse only helps reduce $2000 tax per year.
2022-10-21 22:39:41
Consider buying Spousal RRSP.
There are certain tax savings and tax planning benefits for doing that.
2022-10-22 20:44:11
2022-10-23 00:02:03
your background?
2022-10-23 10:47:16
2022-10-23 11:42:43
have you check their admission requirements?
2022-10-23 13:03:27
2022-10-24 22:05:29
2022-10-24 22:39:44

有好多行業好掂㗎。 例如律師,會計師,醫生,我屋企有一個律師,兩個會計。全部專業都要讀書/做實習生然後考牌, 要嘥幾年時間至得。
2022-10-24 23:32:45
BA degree, 一路都係做採購
2022-10-24 23:37:26
2022-10-25 16:44:59
Uncle 你好
記得紫微楊嘅書寫過積德延壽,壽添一紀,積孽便壽促一紀,一紀即12年。For example, 鐵板神數計到佢60歲死,而死嘅年份係牛年,咁就會有「借問一聲身外事,遇牛是歸期」,咁佢就有可能48,60,或者72歲死。聽你講面相嗰part, 就咁睇好似面相學喺呢方面有更大優勢,可以好肯定佢本人會唔會喺60歲死(或者48歲死)。我想問uncle, 對於幾時死呢個field, 面相學會唔會都有吉凶兼備嘅case, 令人好難確定嗰個人過唔過到呢關(eg 60 歲)?
2022-10-25 19:32:49
2022-10-25 22:01:54
面相睇流年。當然亦要睇行藏舉止,神氣色等, 不能盡錄。
流年要加十個月(懷孕個十個月)所以睇到60有關口, 可能59歲中就大鑊。
48歲, 準頭鼻頭, 60歲水星,口。 可以睇到有無關口或者大破。要解釋,就千字文都唔掂
2022-10-26 11:31:03
佢唔識英文 但係佢做開老人護理10幾年
聽聞加拿大有需求 希望可以帶埋佢過去
2022-10-26 11:57:31
I am not familiar with OWP
佢可以apply super visa. 但唔知你係OWP holder 得唔得。 佢過嚟探望你應該可以。
How to apply for a parent or grandparent super visa
As a new permanent resident or citizen, you may want to invite your parents or grandparents to visit you in Canada for extended periods, for a variety of reasons. You may want them to stay with you after they retire, while you’re expecting a child or adjusting to parenthood, after the loss of a loved one, or just because you miss them.

For many newcomers, the process of inviting your parents or grandparents to stay with you in Canada isn’t as simple as just booking flight tickets. If your parents are foreign nationals, they may need a visa to enter Canada––and the time limitations of a visitor visa may not always be sufficient for your needs.

The Canadian government’s super visa program makes it easier for your parents or grandparents to visit Canada for multiple lengthy stays over the course of a 10-year period, without having to reapply for a visa every time. In this article, we deep-dive into how to apply for a parent or grandparent super visa, including the eligibility criteria and documentation requirements.

2022-10-26 12:14:20
2022-10-26 20:22:48
Do you know the admission requirements?
2022-10-26 20:53:56
呢個純粹多口問句 因為我係做IT行業
非常感謝你嘅回覆 同埋咁詳盡提供資訊
2022-10-26 21:53:50
Canadians working in USA has to pay taxes to USA and Canada.
Taxes paid to USA can reduce the tax liabilty in Canada.

2022-10-27 01:49:44
Uncle 我地最近會去睇樓

目標係 house/townhouse, 有無咩建議/ 有咩要留意可以分享下?
2022-10-27 03:04:33
Don't buy it NOW
Anyways which area, price range and size are you looking for?
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