移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 4

922 回覆
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2023-01-10 11:57:20
我知uncle係唔做consult的 但你問到咁詳細真係麻煩晒你 主要我都係想知個rules係點 其他野我會再研究
2023-01-10 12:10:50
Do you keep a home some where outside Canada?

Do international students file taxes?
Most international students “file a tax return” (submit an income tax form to the government) to receive tax credits (money from governments or the chance to lower taxes later). International students may have to pay Canadian income tax on income earned from teaching and/or research assistantships, other employment, and investment and business income. Generally, students also have to report income they receive from outside of Canada.

The Canadian tax system is based on residency, not citizenship. Students from countries that have a tax treaty with Canada may not have to pay Canadian income tax and may be able to request that their employer stop withholding tax from their Canadian employment income with permission from CRA.


What are residential ties?
Significant residential ties to Canada include:

a home in Canada
a spouse or common-law partner in Canada
dependants in Canada
Secondary residential ties that may be relevant include:

personal property in Canada, such as a car or furniture
social ties in Canada, such as memberships in Canadian recreational or religious organizations
economic ties in Canada, such as Canadian bank accounts or credit cards
a Canadian driver's licence
a Canadian passport
health insurance with a Canadian province or territory
The information above is general in nature. For more information on your residential ties, see Income Tax Folio S5-F1-C1, Determining an Individual's Residence Status.

Determining your residency status?
In general, you probably have not established significant residential ties with Canada if you:

return to your home country on a periodic basis or for a significant amount of time in the calendar year
move to another country when not attending university in Canada
However, many international students who study or carry on research in Canada do establish significant residential ties with Canada.

Resident of Canada
You are a resident of Canada for income tax purposes if you establish significant residential ties with Canada.
2023-01-10 12:20:57
唔該晒uncle 我再研究下先 因為佢啲字我覺得係比空間佢走盞 但正正因為咁我驚誤墮法網 可能穩陣起見file左tax return先
2023-01-10 12:22:46
我有時都幫老婆手做consulting, 但係唔再接新客。依牌見既都係以前回流咗返HK既舊客。 不過講明唔同佢哋做報稅。我講明收費好高都耍唔甩。

你最想知美國收入(capital gain or income)洗唔洗打加拿大稅。 如果你係合資格做咗稅務居民,咁你就要報全球收入包括HK, USA 同其他各地。 我無你一切詳盡資料,好難作出任何結論。
2023-01-10 12:26:53
明白 起碼我宜家narrow down左個問題先 唔該晒uncle
2023-01-10 12:36:45
Don't rely on anything I ost. I made comments based on what you post here. There is a saying "garbage in, garbage out". You should seek professional advice and tell the consultant everything. Don't assume you know the answer to anything.
You have pretty strong tie to Canada and your rental lease, drivers licence, bank accounts,club and association memberships etc does't really help.
By the way, did you sign an one year rental lease?
2023-01-10 15:12:46
Yes I signed
2023-01-10 22:04:28
I think you met the requirements to be a tax resident of Canada. I could be wrong but check with a tax consultant.
2023-01-11 06:37:59
Understand and thank you uncle!
2023-01-11 17:16:32
你好 Uncle
仲有幾個月黎toronto 未搵到長租同埋要下年先有車 想請問安省邊度for2個人平啲安全啲?

暫時租咗1個月downtown bnb
2023-01-11 20:13:55
You mean city of Toronto or Province of Ontario?
How much is your budget and how many rooms are you looking for? Are you coming here to work or study?
2023-01-11 21:53:53
I am looking for a place near the city of toronto for the first year as I want to be close to the ttc. It can be 0-1 room as long as its reachable by ttc. Coming to work with owp.
2023-01-11 22:16:03
Just to give you an idea.
I filtered the results to rent just above $2,000 and 1 bedroom +den or smaller.
You can make changes to the filter


Public transit planner
2023-01-11 22:19:29
Thanks uncle Are you by chance familiar with https://rentals.ca ?

I saw some results on this site but seems to good to be true.
2023-01-11 22:28:15
Do your research and post your question on the other link. They know more about rental market than me. The last time I rented was about 40 years ago and I was a real estate salesman 45 years ago.
2023-01-11 22:37:53
I had but most of them suggest me to start finding flats after I have landed

Anyway thank you uncle!!I might try to contact some real estate agents. Hope everything goes well
2023-01-11 23:06:26
Becareful when you searching for place to rent.

2023-01-16 07:43:12
六十歲行口運。近日水鬼升城隍既面相真係大撚鑊。 口同下唇(承槳61 歲)部位極差。 此兩年必行衰運,少則丟官,大則係咁先。十一超68歲又係行正衰運。 唔通兩個係衰運共同體?唉!始終都未見過真人, 希望我跌眼鏡啦!
2023-01-16 11:49:07
2023-01-16 12:46:00
2023-01-23 06:46:05
2023-01-23 08:32:27

Assume all are in US dollars
Price when you bought it $.742 X 3000 =$22,260
Price when you landed $.07 X3000 = $ 210
而家價得0.6 - today's price?
升到7.42平手賣 today's price ?
Taxable capital gain =7.42/0.7x3000x0.5=US15900

$7.42-.07 =7.35 x3000=$22.050 x50% capital gain =$11,025
how did you get $15900.
2023-01-24 17:50:43
Today price: 0.6
Landed price: 0.7
2023-01-24 19:47:21
You can decide what you want to do with it.
Your unrealized capital loss is 0.1 x 3000 or 30 now.
You will have capital gain if the stock is higher than 0.7.
2023-01-26 10:45:11
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞