移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 4

922 回覆
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2022-10-07 15:23:17
2022-10-07 15:55:04
2022-10-07 19:48:47
what will be his/her total income for the calendar year (Jan 1 to Dec 31)
2022-10-07 19:58:56
焗爐個燈泡仔燒左既話- that light bulb is for lighting purposes.
It should NOT affect the oven.
You can replace the bulb if you can unscrew it and take it to Rona, Home depot or Canadian tire and you can find one to replace it.

Yes. Even without a light bulb, an oven will flawlessly cook your meal. So while using your range without a light bulb is theoretically safe, nothing disastrous is likely to occur.


2022-10-07 20:06:58
You should contact CPA Ontario and find out how to get an Ontario CPA.
Have you have ever live or study in Australia?


Ontario employers will be more acceptable to CPA Ontario and most likely not for CPA from oher countries. I was a CPA from New York and I had to re-qualify for the Ontario CA (CA back then).
2022-10-08 09:29:51
15萬hkd + 2萬7cad

thank you uncle
2022-10-08 10:47:36
15萬hkd + 2萬7cad

150,000/6 = 25,000+27,000=$52,000


Employment income $27,000.00
Self-employment income $25,000.00

Income taxes paid This is the amount of money you have deducted from your income when you get paid for taxes.

Estimated taxes owed $10,344

Remember, this is just an estimate.
Total income $52,000
Federal tax $4,951
Provincial tax $2,668
CPP/EI Premiums $4,432
Total tax $12,051

After-tax income $39,949
Average tax rate 15.12%
Marginal tax rate 29.65%

Income from HK are subject to CPP and EI
Total tax $12,051
Income tax $10,344
CPP & EI 1,707
2022-10-08 11:13:59

仲諗住返hk 做陣野儲下份首期
2022-10-08 11:22:56
你下次照鏡嗰陣同你朋友講,rolling stone gathers no moss. 就算回流, 都等入咗籍先啦。 最好就唔好兩頭走啦。
2022-10-09 01:20:10
uncle 唔好咁搞笑喎
2022-10-09 02:07:21
2022-10-09 02:28:53
2022-10-09 10:49:28
thank you uncle!

2022-10-09 11:06:08
Professional itch
2022-10-09 22:45:55
Uncle早晨,希望你一切安好, uncle我知道你識睇相仲娶埋你的太太,你識唔識睇手掌紋?隔離po有巴打幫人睇手掌紋,好好笑的po ,請問你可唔可以幫我睇吓我嘅手掌紋呀? 多謝Uncle
2022-10-10 00:44:58
How can I do that here?
2022-10-10 00:48:36
Hi uncle
2022-10-10 01:07:26
are you a pharmacist now?
2022-10-10 03:47:50
He asked people to take pictures of their hand from both sides (手背同埋手板) and post it here. Then he did a reading here. It was so hilarious. 嗰位法師嘅comment好搞笑and I think of u
2022-10-10 04:52:05
My readers used to send me photos of their face and palm and I was able to tell their fortune. But why would anyone want to show their palms to the world?
2022-10-10 05:05:29
They are just doing it for fun and have a good laugh. It is very entertaining 笑到我PK
2022-10-10 05:07:31
I used to charge $100 per reading by mail. That was 47 years ago
2022-10-10 05:19:54
2022-10-10 06:46:04
收咗山幾十年囉。依家同人做稅務顧問,都有幾百到成千蚊一個鐘啦。有時計不成功不收費,以打贏既稅額既percentage收, 可以成萬蚊一個鐘添。仲邊有興趣同人睇相吖。不過有時技癢會講幾句咁囉。
2022-10-10 06:58:25
Uncle你好犀利呀 好多謝你咁有心喺度幫助香港朋友 好人一世平安
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞