我受夠喇 我唔會再幫你執房
I am not gonna help clean up your room anymore. I’m so done with you.
沖涼浴缸 點轉去水喉 唔想用花灑
Hey how do I switch the water flow from shower head to bath spout? I dont feel like taking a shower.
如果唔係佢幫手 你一早死左啦
If he hadn’t helped you out you would have been dead by now.
Who ate cookies on the sofa? There are lots of crumbs all over the sofa!
唔係話唔鐘意你 但你可唔可以正經少少
Its not that I don’t like you, its just that I think you should be more mature.
Why is there an opened can of coke in kitchen?