97前曾成功申請BNO (DPA查咗有record, "you were registered as a British National Overseas citizen at 199x")
本野係駐港領事館,但無拎過(我真係好撚ON9),DPA話05年係英國銷毀咗。佢有俾埋passport number我,issue date 同 expire date都有。
我用e system咁樣填:
Have you had a UK passport before? -》YES
Is your passport lost or stolen? -》 YES
Have you cancelled your passport with HM Passport Office? -》NO
佢叫我Cancel a lost or stolen passport
定直接Have you had a UK passport before? -》一開始就揀NO
IxamxL文2020-07-05 19:56:21
收到 唔該晒
咁lost date你會選擇揀番issue date or expiry date
Doc唔見有我呢啲特別case 希望幫到人
所記2020-07-05 20:06:02
所記2020-07-05 20:07:39
我知你唔會放過我2020-07-05 20:35:35
IxamxL文2020-07-05 20:44:16
And 1 of the following that has your photo on it:
non-British passport that hasn’t expired
national identity card (a colour photocopy will do)
driving licence
any government or local government produced document