2017 new ipad 用家交㳘區(3)

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2017-10-05 21:20:52
ipad 2017係咪可以免費用 MS office


屌 明明我上網都見到係咁 但係行過幾間鋪 d sales都話唔知/唔係

2017-10-11 13:03:55
2017-10-11 17:40:27

2017-10-13 23:11:23

2017-11-18 21:04:19
2018-01-20 02:23:53
2018-01-20 03:19:34
係買New ipad 2017
2018-01-24 16:18:21
2018-01-27 17:31:13
傳聞ipad 2018 仲平D,

上年ipad都係2017 年3年發布, 你等多2 個月睇定D先囉
2018-01-28 01:37:37
唔係呀嘛 iPad 2017已經好抵喇喎
唔通Apple真係想大家開心 打個和就算咩
2018-01-28 10:13:32
Apple's Super-Cheap iPad 9.7in WILL Launch In 2018

Rumours Paul Briden 09:28, 23 Jan 2018

Apple will launch a budget iPad 9.7in model in Q2 2018, it'll be the cheapest iPad to date
Apple could be preparing to launch a new iPad in 2018 and it might be the cheapest ever, if sources inside Asian supply networks prove correct.

The word comes via DigiTimes and its sources, which are pegged as "related upstream suppliers", so needless to say we advise you keep a salt shaker handy. Nonetheless, it's a compelling idea well worth keeping an eye on, as the report claims Apple will price the new 9.7in iPad at a mere $259.

In March 2017, Apple launched what was then the cheapest iPad to date, another 9.7in sized edition for the new year with a price tag of $329. Next year's model looks to undercut that starting RRP quite significantly.

Is this simply another sign of the declining tablet market, or is Apple onto some kind of clever trick here?

The sources go on to add that Apple's plans for a launch place it inside the second quarter of 2018, so that's between April and June. At present there are no clues about specs of features, but we suspect in order to reach that lower price point it won't be as feature rich as existing Apple tablet devices.

2018-02-04 16:11:54
想問ipad sim係咪仲係得3同smartone兩個台有出? 想出一張 有冇話邊張抵玩
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞